This Christian poem, Hymns to God, continues the series, Inspirational Christian Poetry by calling Christians to celebrate God’s eternal love by singing Hymns to the Lord. “We lift our hymns on high to laud, in sacrifice of living thanks, our Maker…Friend...Redeemer...God, who saves a people from all ranks.”
Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.”
What love outlives and bursts the bands
Which hedge our frail and fleeting days
Transcends the turbid spinning lands
And bathes in purest petaled rays?
Who’s flooding fount of grace prebirths
Unto which hope our spirits climb
Both sin’s first waking and the Earth’s
Precedes the pale and sphere of time?
Tis Thine, Oh God, the soul’s first kiss
That breaths upon the smouldered flax
And turns an adamant abyss
Into a pliant praising wax
Who raised the gates and bars of hell
By wisely weak incarnate strength
To garner to Thy citadel
A host to glory without length
And now to Him Who always reigns
Who dwells in realms and depths of light
And weaves with manifolded skeins
His temple taken from the night
We lift our hymns on high to laud
In sacrifice of living thanks
Our Maker...Friend...Redeemer...God
Who saves a people from all ranks
A hymn to celebrate the eternal love of God for His people
© April 28, 1998 David L. Croft
How can words ever express our joy and thankfulness when we contemplate the eternal love of God for His people? Where has it ever been told that a God of all Gods, King of all Kings, and Lord of all Lords, reaches down and sacrifices His own dear Son to save a people for Himself. Truly such a story could never be written, and yet that is what God has done for us.
As we find the psalmists so often overwhelmed with praise to our God and Savior, let us lift our voices in praise to Him. For centuries, the hymn writers have sought to express this great love and joy in praise to God, and yet we will never truly hear a hymn that completely expresses these truths until we enter the courts of heaven and hear music that has never been recorded or sung on this earth.
Truly, we all look forward with great anticipation to the day we will enter our heavenly rest and truly sing hymns to God that are worthy His honor, His glory, and His praise.
Hymns to God
Inspirational Christian Poetry by David
Guide to Devotional Reflections from the Bible
Devotional Reflections
from the Bible
Member of 5 Pillar Club
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