I’m sure you are wondering about me, who I am and why I started a Bible devotional web site.I hope you’ve been having as much fun and spiritual growth with my website as I’m having in writing the devotionals.
For God is my witness, how I yearn for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus. And it is my prayer that your love may about more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.
Philippians 1:8-11, ESV
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My name is Linda Croft. I live with my wonderful husband, David, and my dogs (Princess and Cookie) in Pella, Iowa. My six children have left the nest and are making their own way in the world, and I have four grandchildren, Glorianna (she’s the most beautiful granddaughter in the world, of course!) and three grandsons, Liam, Charlie, and Martin. (Of course, they are the most handsome grandsons in the world!) |
I have always been entrepreneurial minded, but without much success. I’ve sold candles, kitchen storage containers, and cleaning supplies. Each venture was very successful, but I soon learned that I did not like earning my income by twisting arms to get sales. I’ve also had several “day” jobs. I love to work, but I must admit, I never cried when I had to leave jobs that took me out of the home.
My favorite years were those I spent educating my own children and giving piano lessons from my home. So, how did I end up here? My latest employment venture was at a window factory. The money was very good for this area, so I became locked into a job I couldn’t quit |
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without the family suffering serious consequences, even though my body was showing signs of stress from the job. Finally, I took a nasty fall right outside my back door the week before Christmas, and I’m thankful to God for it! I returned to work for one week in January of that year and haven’t been back since. My short term disability turned into a permanent disability.
Now, I was faced with a new demand: to earn an income within my realm of abilities, so I turned to the Internet. Other people are making money, so why can’t I? My first few months were spent spending money rather than earning money. Some of the experiences were good, but mostly from the perspective of learning what not to do! My family and friends were telling me that I would never make it, and I began to believe them. I was just becoming another one of the 95% who fail in internet marketing.
Then I discovered Solo Build It! I took their Quick Tour and realized that I was looking at something entirely different. As a matter of fact, it even looked like something that would be fun to do. So, I downloaded their free Action Guide and began the most fascinating entrepreneurial venture of my life.
Using their premise, that the Internet is all about information, I began to search for ideas for a good site. I searched several concepts, but just didn’t seem to find the niche I wanted to explore. Then, I woke up one morning and thought about doing a Bible Study site. (No matter what concept you use, you cannot help but succeed due to Solo Build It’s amazing brainstorming tool . This tool gives you the ability to not only find out the exact words people are searching for, but also the demand by finding out the numbers of sites devoted to that word.)
The whole world opened up for me. I began writing devotionals because I wanted to spend more time in the Word. My web site gave me the opportunity to share these studies with you. I even have a which comes out periodically.
Now in my spare time I am again teaching piano lessons.
I’ve never been happier. Can you imagine getting up in the morning being so excited about going to “work” and then being disappointed in the evening because you have to stop?
I’m glad I’ve spent so much time trying other home business ventures, because I was able to recognize the opportunity when I saw it. My future goals are to continue to build on this site (send me your ideas of devotions you’d like me to write) and continue to write devotions (check out my video devotions on YouTube, or go to the Psalms devotions on this site).
Now (in 2021) I am beginning a blog called Reflection from the Bible. In this blog I am combining my love of taking nature photos with Bible verses. I hope you will take the time to check it out.
It’s truly a wonderful life! I thank God for an accident that changed my direction completely into one of service for Him. My goal with this website is to encourage Christians in their daily Christian walk, and to see many come to Christ through the testimony of His Word. With that in mind, I go to the Lord in prayer each day for help, focusing on the Word of God and not just writing entertaining stories of life.
What an amazing God we have! Now that you know about me, I’d love to get to know you better. Write to me and tell me about you, send prayer requests, and tell me what you think about this site.
God Bless You,
YouTube-Devotional Reflections Playlist
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