Online Christian Library

This online Christian library resource searches the thousands of free Christian books available on the internet today for reading and/or downloading. Spanning Christian history for over a thousand years are priceless volumes of sacred history, commentaries, and theology from several Christian perspectives. This site does not choose one genre over another; all genres and then specific persons under each genre are listed alphabetically. Please keep checking back as more pages will continue to be added. This project represents years of research done by my husband, David. Please enjoy these volumes, and pass on the information to your friends. We begin with a note of explanation from David.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.

2 Timothy 3:16, KJV

Online Christian LIbrary Introduction

History is a great tutor, a precious touchstone that enables us to understand our past, perceive our current circumstances, and to dare to glimpse into where we are likely heading. Secular history provides a vital supplement to Sacred, and constantly confirms the testimony which God has given us in His Word. The most comprehensive and efficient history is found in the Bible. Its scope and breadth concerning man, made in the image of God, is perfectly complete for the present epoch. It begins with a creation that antecedes and anticipates man. It ends with a future state in which all things presently begun are brought to completion. It lays before our eyes the most vital and important events, circumstances, causes, effects, doctrines, practices, proximate and ultimate ends that bound our mortal and immortal being.  

 One of the ways in which God employs history is in His foretelling of future events. By the means of this divine revelation God’s people are comforted under their present circumstances, no matter how austere or severe, with the hope of the glorious future and ultimate ends which God is bringing about. When God called Abram, in Genesis, he told him of a future possession of a land in which he was a stranger and sojourner, and that his descendants would be in bondage for hundreds of years before its earthly fulfillment. Before God’s people entered the Promised Land He announced blessings and curses which would befall them upon their obedience or disobedience. After the full effect of these blessings and curses had befallen them, God revealed to the prophet Daniel, future events concerning the nations of Persia, Greece, and Rome, as these events would affect the people of God. After his resurrection, Jesus revealed to the Apostle John, things that affected the present churches, and the events which would affect it to the end of the age.

Together with sacred history, God has given to men instruction into how He may be approached and worshiped, the structure and form his people are to take in an organized body as the church or the people of God, and how men are to live in relation to God and their fellow men. To the end of our eternal profit God has both given us His Spirit that we may live and understand the things of God, and guides to aid us who are called variously prophets, priests, apostles, evangelists, pastors, deacons, and teachers. We have within our grasp, not only the sacred record of all of these things in the Bible, but records of the work of God since the time of the apostle John in written volumes preserved to this very day for our profit and instruction.

It is in this last particular field that I have been laboring for the last year. From a simple inquiry into certain books that exist in the public domain, I discovered a virtual ocean of works available, in a variety of formats, all in the public domain. A work existing in the public domain means that there are no longer any copyrights to the particular work. From this vast ocean I have collated a library of over ten thousand volumes covering virtually every subject of theology, numerous secular histories, language and literature. My desire is to make this research as practical and useful as possible, so Linda and I plan to make these works available in logical categories, with hyperlinks to every volume, as a great online Christian library. I cannot and do not endorse every volume, but offer them as a broad and comprehensive cross section of orthodox Christianity. I even have a large section dealing with antagonists of Christianity. My only and ultimate goal is the glory of God and the edification of the Saints and to that end these are offered freely and cheerfully from.

His most unworthy son and servant,

David L. Croft

Online Christian Library Genres:

Anglican Beliefs

Baptist Beliefs

Church and Secular History

Early Church Fathers

Lutheran Religion

Methodist Theologians

Protestant Reformers

Puritans Beliefs

Reformed Beliefs

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Online Christian Library

Anglican Beliefs

Baptist Beliefs

Early Church Fathers

Lutheran Religion

Methodist Theologians

Protestant Reformers

Puritans Beliefs

Reformed Beliefs
