Now it is time for you to write Your Book Review from a Christian perspective.
Now it is time for you to write Your Book Review from a Christian perspective! There is no time for everyone to read every book available (even Christian books). Book reviews, Christian or not can save the reader a lot of time!
Unfortunately, sites such as include many books under the religion category which are in actuality, non-Christian books. Hopefully sites such as this will help you to meet some new authors without having to wade through books that are seemingly Christian, but prove to not be Biblical in their approach.
This is a site which I hope to greatly expand in the coming months. I am a prolific reader, so would like to share some of what I glean from my own personal reading. Though I prefer Christian fiction, I have read some very good Christian non-fiction books as well, so will include those in my future reviews.
In your own reviews, tell us what you like or dislike about the book and what you think of the author? Was this book up to the usual expectation of this particular author or not?
Book reviews from any genre of Christian books will be included on this site, and if you send your own URL, I may put a link back to your site.
As far as specific categories, write your reviews of all kinds of Christian books: I will include Christian Children Book Reviews, Christian Teenage Book Reviews, Christian Series Book Reviews, fiction, and non-fiction.
As a disclaimer, however, this is not the place to put your, as yet unpublished, book. Also, I may not include books that are from a non-Biblical perspective. My purpose on this page is to be an asset to those of us who love to read, but do not necessarily have the time to go through thousands of books to find just the right one to read next. If you are an author, I applaud you. I am not opposed to reviewing your book (even if I do not receive a free copy), but if I do so, it will appear on a different page.
Can't wait to hear from you!
God Bless You,
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