Gospel of John

The Gospel of John was written for the purpose of showing that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, By studying the Book of John we will take an intimate look at the words and life of Christ and how they apply to our lives, as well as learn how to receive this Jesus as our Savior, and even read an example of a Christian salvation prayer. 

But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name. 
John 20:31, NKJV

Dear Linda,
I want to know more about God .. and to really feel I am in love with him .. I want to grow spiritually.

Dear Linda,
I don't know who to ask this but I saw your blogs answering my questions. I am starting to study the Bible with my boyfriend, I am not a "New Christian" but he is, so my question is, where do I start with him? I don't want to turn him away from God; I want us to grow close together and to God.

Dear Linda,
I happened to stumble across this site and I'm so glad I did. As a teen, I want to grow closer to God this year and I thanked Him for leading me to this site.

Man Has Made Progress, But Is Man Happier?

I am receiving a growing number of emails such as these. People from all over the world are beginning to hunger for the truth. We began our lives with such enthusiasm only to discover that man does not have the answers to the deep longings of our souls. Where does one go to hear the truth? 

Man has certainly made some pretty impressive progress, especially over the last 100 years, but has that made man happier? Has it brought about world peace? No, man does not have the answer. What, then, is the answer to the longings in our soul? 

Where Do People Turn for Happiness?

Where do people turn to find happiness in this life? Some look to riches, some to power, some to fame, but will riches, power, or fame bring happiness? If that is true, then the richest, most powerful and most famous people in this world should be the happiest people in the world. Are they? No! 

Is happiness, peace, and joy even possible in the world in which we live? Yes! However, we will not find that happiness, peace, and joy as we look outward to man, or inward to the deep recesses of our hearts and souls. True peace, joy, and happiness are only possible in the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Who is Jesus Christ? What possible relevance can He have in my life today? The Gospel of John was written to answer these very questions.


But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name. John 20:31, NKJV

The Gospel of John Has Answers!

As we study the Gospel of John, we will discover who Jesus Christ is, why He came to this earth, and how He can transform our empty meaningless existence into a purpose driven life. Where we once were filled with emptiness and discontent, we now can have a vibrant reason for living. We will also learn how to receive this Jesus as our Savior, and even read an example of a Christian salvation prayer. Let us begin then with the Gospel of John, chapter 1. 

John 1

John 2

John 3

John 4

John 5

John 6

John 7

John 8

John 9

John 10

John 11

John 12

John 13

John 14

John 15

John 16

John 17

John 18

John 19

John 20

John 21

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John 1

John 2

John 3

John 4

John 5

John 6

John 7

John 8

John 9

John 10

John 11

John 12

John 13

John 14

John 15

John 16

John 17

John 18

John 19

John 20

John 21

Gospel of John 

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