Access to God

Access to God. Paul ends this great section on the unity that now exists between all people, whether Jew or Gentile, by reminding us that we all have access by one Spirit to the Father.

17 And He came and preached peace to you who were afar off and to those who were near. 18 For through Him we both have access by one Spirit to the Father.
Ephesians 2:17-18, NKJV

Access to God

Paul ends this great section on the unity that now exists between all people, whether Jew or Gentile, by reminding us that we all have access by one Spirit to the Father. Just stop for a moment and immerse yourself in that truth. 

We have access to God. God the Father, the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe allows us access to Him through His Holy Spirit. Not just occasionally, but 24/7 we have access to God. He is never too busy, too tired, or gone on a vacation. We are never too little in His eyes to deserve His attention.

As believers in Christ, I fear we are far too reluctant to take advantage of this concept. Imagine trying to make an appointment to see the president of your country. What kind of "hoops" would you need to jump through to see him or her. Yet God, in all of His power and glory, allows each and every one of His children, no matter how lowly they may be, access to Him.

How do we access God? We access God in several ways. We learn and study of Him through His holy Word, the Bible. As we read, the Holy Spirit works within our hearts to help us understand the amazing truths revealed in His Word. Let us not take this for granted. Without the help of the Holy Spirit, the Bible is just another book. Many a scholar has read the Word and not come to the knowledge of the truth--to them the Bible is just a book of empty words.

We also access God through prayer. What is prayer? Do we pray only when we are in great trouble? Is God only there to rescue us when we are in need? No! Prayer is that special time when we just speak and listen to God. In ways we cannot comprehend, His Spirit interacts with our Spirit giving us a precious time of fellowship with Him. I fear we are far too busy living our lives to take time to just worship God in a time of quietness before Him. Perhaps that accounts for the sad state of God's church today!

We also access God when we meet with others of like-minded faith and worship Him. Through the preaching and teaching of God's Word, we grow in Him. Our dear friends in Christ help to sharpen us and encourage us to live and walk faithfully with the Lord. What a precious experience to meet with others and sing praises to God above. Think of how wondrous it will be when we reach heaven's gates and have the opportunity to worship with the angels above and enjoy hearing their heavenly music. Let us not neglect to attend church and worship with other believers.

Yes, one day we were all afar off. Yet through the grace of God we were brought near to Christ. Let us proclaim His wondrous love and grace to all of those we meet each day. And, let us pray that more and more people--both Jews and Gentiles--will be brought to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

Matthew 5:16, NKJV

Access to God

Ephesians 1

Ephesians 2

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