Gift from God. Gifts! How we love to receive them. As a matter of fact, how we love to give them. Have you ever considered that the most precious gift of all is from God Himself because it is an eternal gift?
16 Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers. 17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.
James 1:16-17, ESV
Gift from God. Gifts! How we love to receive them. As a matter of fact, how we love to give them. Have you ever considered that the most precious gift of all is from God Himself because it is an eternal gift?
Have you ever pondered the source of all good? In truth, God is the only source of all good. Once sin entered this world through Adam and Eve, good no longer existed in the heart of men and women. Good only comes from God.
God remains holy, righteous, and true forever! How wonderful it is to be in a world that is constantly changing and constantly trying to redefine truth to realize that in God we find truth and it never changes. The Bible tells us, in Revelation 22:6, These words are trustworthy and true.
So, not only is God the source of all truth, but He is also unchanging. Verse 6 tells us that the gift of God is coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. (ESV) I love the King James rendering of this: with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.
Think of that. God is light. In him is no darkness--not even a shadow of turning!
The gift will be defined more completely in the next verse. But we know that the gift from God is eternal life in heaven with Him.
Why must it be a gift? It must be a gift because we cannot obtain it any other way. Even before Adam and Eve sinned in the garden and therefore brought sin into the heart of all people, God had a plan to save a people for Himself. This gift is not forced upon us, however, we must receive it ourselves. The Lord Jesus Christ, the perfect Son of God, came to this earth as a human with one purpose--to give His life as payment for our sins so that we might come to God.
That, my dear friend, is God's perfect gift to us. In Christ, we can live with God forever! There will be no more sin, no sickness, no evil--only light--God's light!
What will you do with this gift from God? Will you continue to live your life day by day following after the things of this world or will you stop and fall before Christ and live the rest of your life for Him?
What an opportunity!! There is none like it. There is nothing that can be offered in this world that is more important or more precious--not even silver or gold!
God Bless You,
Peace, Love, and Joy - Verses 2-4
Sin Brings Death - Verses 12-15
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