Lords Day 10

Pink Flowers

Lords Day 10 of the Heidelberg Catechism is displayed beautifully in this poetic rendition of the questions and answers by David Croft regarding the providence of God, and what that means to us. How can we not love and praise a God such as this when we ponder His providence? Our every step is determined by His great love and grace as He gently shepherds us through these years we live on this earth. Stated poetically: Naught comes, but by His will approved, No creature lives to bar His gate, Nor moves, but by His power moved.

This is the great God we so love and serve!


Lords Day 10

Come Tell Me Then

Come tell me then of providence
Unfold its secret sovereign lines
With some proportioned eloquence
Befitting students and divines?
The providence of God is His
Almighty, ever present, pow'r
To heav'n and earth, all creatures, tis
His hand upholding, every hour

He rules them so that leaf and blade
The fruitful, thirsty, rain, and lean
Our food and sickness drink and aid
The years of plenty, and the mean
And every turn and circumstance
All things that to our portion land
Come not of fate or witless chance
But from His good and Father's hand

How does this knowledge comfort bring
Of God's creation, providence?
From this blessed fount all patience springs
When we consider ever hence
He turns the wheel that bruises us
Then makes our languid bodies well
Our future hope is solid thus
His Father's love, our citadel

And so our hope and confidence
That to our faithful Father fled
Are by His mighty providence
For both the living and the dead
From whence shall nothing separate
Naught comes, but by His will approved
No creature lives to bar His gate
Nor moves, but by His power moved

April 22, 1996
Lords Day 10 Heidelberg Catechism Questions & Answers 27,28
© Copyright 1996 David L. Croft

What an amazing God we serve. Lords Day 10 covers one of the most precious aspects of this amazing God we love and serve. As we contemplate His great providence we are comforted through the many storms of life we face. Though we do not understand the many pains and sorrows of this life, we know that God walks right beside us through them all, comforting and guiding us.

How else could we understand the tragic death of a 13 year old boy in a farm accident? Yet we know that he is wondrously happy in God's presence today, already waiting for the time when his family will join him. Through times such as this God helps us to understand that this world is not our home. As we see loved ones go before us, we long even more for that time when we will join them.

Yet, even more, we long to see the face of our dearly beloved Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus.

Lords Day 10

Lords Day 11

Lords Day 9

Heidelberg Catechism Poetry


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