Lords Day 5, from the Heidelberg Catechism, continues with questions regarding our own inability to pay for our great sin. Nothing we can do can assuage God's righteous indignation.
What Narrow Path Returns
What narrow path returns to God
What ransom price His favor wins
Removing both our burden load
Of righteous wrath and reigning sin?
To expiate and recompense
God's holy just unsated claims
Demands the farthest farthing pence
From shoulders strong to suffer blame
Can we in any way afford
The payment of our legal debt?
Our every act before the Lord
But daily here increases it
Can any other creature wrought
Bear endless torment in our place?
God suffers not such changèd lot
The guilt on Adam's children stays
No creature lives whose earthen strength
Can bear the overwhelming weight
God's righteous anger knows no length
No mortal key can find the gate
Who then alone can mediate
And to what savior shall we look
To both deliver and oblate
God's holy indignation brook?
The lamb that overcometh death
In perfect power priestly dressed
Must kindred share our mortal breath
In uncorrupted righteousness
Our substitute, our flesh and blood
The scapegoat for the human race
Must be and also truly God
With all His glory, good, and grace
April 16, 1996
Lord's Day 5 Heidelberg Catechism Questions & Answers 12-15
© Copyright 1996 David L. Croft
This Lords Day addresses the great load of sin which cannot in any way be assuaged by man. No creature lives who has the strength to bear this load or to remove this load from its back.
Is all hope lost? No, God has provided the Lamb, the Lord Jesus Christ, who overcame death on our behalves. Through His perfect righteousness, He has become the scapegoat for the human race! Only God could do such a thing, with all of His glory, good and grace!
No man can do, nor understand the great love of such a God Who so loves His own children that He was willing to pay such an awful price. How wondrous is His love and glory. May we spend our lives worshiping and honoring Him, alone!
To Him belongs all the glory! Amen!
Lords Day 5
Lords Day 6
Lords Day 4
Heidelberg Catechism Poetry
Poetry by David
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