Lords Day 9

Purple Pink flowers

Lords Day 9 addresses beautifully the question of what we believe regarding God, the Father Almighty. In his wonderfully graphic, poetic style, David Croft continues the questions begun in Lords Day 8. In just a few concise words the essence of how our Creator formed everything out of nothing if beautifully portrayed, as well as our resultant love to Him.


Lords Day 9

My Son What Do You Do

My son what do you understand
What is, my daughter, your belief
In that blessed golden braided strand
That's numbered first among the chief
Almighty Father, you address
The living God, all glory giv'n
What moves your heart to thus confess
Creator of the earth and heav'n?

That the eternal Father of
Our only Savior, Christ the Lord,
Who out of nothing, in His love,
Created by His spoken word
The earth and all the heav'nly plains
All creatures then and ever since
Who rules and perfectly sustains
By His eternal providence

Is both my Father and my God
Because of Christ His faithful Son
And so I trust His will and laud
His goodly wisdom, doubting none
That even the adversity
He sends in this sad dying world
Shall be my school and nursery
My trials; trophies, sorrows; pearls

I know that He is able to
Accomplish all that He intends
Almighty God He is and true
A loving Father, faithful friend
And so, with every talent trimmed
I make of life but this one goal
In every part to honor Him
Who saves the body and the soul

April 22, 1996
Lords Day 9 Heidelberg Catechism Question & Answer 26
© Copyright 1996 David L. Croft

How amazing is the partnership between God the Father and God the Son displayed in the creation of the heavens and the earth. Such is our love returned to Him that even the adversity He sends is welcomed as part of our school and nursery. How can we not love and serve our mighty God when we contemplate His mighty love and power. To think, that this same God so loves us that He sent His only Son to pay the debt of our sins, that through His blood, we might have fellowship with God.

If He can accomplish so much in His Creation, how can we ever doubt that He is all we need? How can we do less than spend our life in honor and service to Him?

Praise be our eternal Father for displaying such love to us, the poor weak and sinful creatures we are!

Lords Day 9

Lord's Day 10

Lords Day 8

Heidelberg Catechism Poetry


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