Protestant Reformers U

Protestant Reformers U continues the Online Christian Library with a work by the German Reformer, Zacharias Ursinus.

Protestant Reformers U

The Commentary of Dr. Zacharias Ursinus, on the Heidelberg Catechism. Translated from the Original Latin, by the Rev. G. W. Williard, D.D. Third American Edition. (1851) (Author: Ursinus, Zacharias, 1534-1583; Williard, G. W., (George Washington), 1818-1900)

Zacharias Ursinus, a 16th century German Reformer, is best known as being the principal author and interpreter of the Heidelberg Catechism.

The following is an excerpt from the Introduction to The Commentary of Dr. Zacharias Ursinus, on the Heidelberg Catechism.

Among the reformers of the second generation, the race of distinguished men, who, though themselves the children of the reformation, were yet in a certain sense joined with the proper original Apostles of that great work, in carrying it out to its final settlement and conclusion, no one can be named who is more worthy of honorable recollection, than the learned and amiable author of the for-famed Heidelberg Catechism. In some respects, indeed, the authorship of this symbol must be referred, we know, to different hands. But in its main plan, and reigning spirit, it is the genial product, plainly, of a single mind, and to the end of time, accordingly, it will be known and revered as a monument, sacred to the memory of Zacharias Ursinus.

In one view we may say of the Catechism, that it forms the best history, and clearest picture of the man himself; for the materials of his biography, outwardly considered, are comparatively scanty, and of no very striking interest. He had neither taste nor talent for the field of outward adventure and exploit. His whole nature shrank rather from the arena of public life. In its noise and tumult, he took, comparatively speaking, but little part. The world in which he moved and acted mainly, was that of the spirit; and here, his proper home was the sphere of religion.

In this, the 21st Century, when people are rushing away from the old catechisms and liturgies of bygone centuries, we are deeply indebted to those who try so hard to make these very documents available to us today. May we learn the lessons of history and seek to, by the grace of God, keep our eyes focused on God and the doctrines taught in His Holy Word. Truly, without Christ we are nothing, but with Him we can accomplish all things.

May God alone receive all of the glory.

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