Reformed Beliefs R

Reformed Beliefs R continues our Online Christian Library with links to the writings of Reformed writers mostly from the 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries, including such genres as Presbyterian, Anglican, Puritan, Congregationalist, Dutch Reformed, French Reformed, and Episcopalian, and including such writers as J. C. Ryle, William Rathbone, Samuel Rutherford, and Mark Ridley, and works from several Reformed denominations.

Reformed Beliefs R

1               Lectures upon Jonah by John King Delivered at York. The Prophecies of Obadiah and Haggai in Several Sermons by John Rainolds D. D. (1864) (Author: King, John, Bp., 1559?-1621; Rainolds, John; Rainolds, John)


Rait, William (Presbyterian) (1617-1670)

Reformed Beliefs R

1               A Vindication, of the Reformed Religion, from the Reflections of a Romanist: Written for the     Information of all, who will receive the Truth in Love. By William Rait, Minister of the Gospel at                   Dundee. (1671)


Reformed Beliefs R

1               How Shall I Live? By Rev. Dr. Ramsey, Lynchburg, Virginia. (1863) (Evangelical Tract Society,       Petersburg, Virginia.)

2               The Spiritual Kingdom: An Exposition of the first Eleven Chapters of the Book of Revelation. By the Rev. James B. Ramsey, D.D., Late Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Lynchburg, Virginia. With an Introduction by the Rev. Charles Hodge, D.D., LL.D., Professor in the Theological Seminary at Princeton, New Jersey. (1873) (Author: Ramsey, James B. (James Beverlin), 1814-1871; Hodge, Charles, 1797-1878)

3               True Eminence Founded in Holiness. A Discourse Occasioned by the Death of Lieutenant General, T. J. Jackson. Preached in the First Presbyterian Church of Lynchburg on May 24 1863. (1863) (Subject: Jackson, Stonewall, 1824-1863)


Reformed Beliefs R

1               A Historical Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians. (1900)

2               Impressions of Turkey during Twelve Years' Wanderings. (1897)

3               Luke the Physician, and other Studies in the History of Religion. (1908)

4               Pauline and other Studies in Early Christian History. (1906)

5               Pictures of the Apostolic Church its Life and Teaching. (1910)

6               St. Paul the Traveler and the Roman Citizen. (1912)

7               Studies in the History and Art of the Eastern Provinces of the Roman Empire. (1906)

8               The Bearing of Recent Discovery on the Trustworthiness of the New Testament. (1900)

9               The Church in the Roman Empire before A.D. 170. (1893)

10            The Cities of St. Paul their influence on his Life and Thought the cities of East Asia Minor. (1907)

11            The First Christian Century, notes on Dr. Moffatt's Introduction to the Literature of the New     Testament. (1911)

12            The Historical Geography of Asia Minor. (1890)

13            The Imperial Peace; an Ideal in European History. (1913) (Subject: Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321;         Peace; Imperialism; Europe -- History Philosophy)

14            The Letters to the Seven Churches of Asia and their place in the Plan of the Apocalypse. (1906)

15            The Revolution in Constantinople and Turkey; A Diary. (1909)

16            The Teaching of Paul in terms of the Present Day: The Deems Lectures in New York University.                  (1913)

17            The Thousand and One Churches. (1919) (Author: Ramsay, William Mitchell, Sir, 1851-1939;                         Bell, Gertrude Lowthian, 1868-1926)

18            Was Christ Born at Bethlehem?: A Study on the Credibility of St. Luke. (1898)


Reformed Beliefs R

1               A Personal and Historical Sketch of Peyton Randolph. (n. d.) (Author: Ramage, Carroll Johnston)

2               Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals of Virginia. By Peyton                Randolph, Counselor at Law. In Five Volumes. Volume 1 (1828)

3               Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals of Virginia. By Peyton                Randolph, Counselor at Law. In Five Volumes. Volume 2 (1824)

4               Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals of Virginia. By Peyton                Randolph, Counselor at Law. In Five Volumes. Volume 4 (1827)

5               Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals of Virginia. By Peyton                Randolph, Counselor at Law. In Five Volumes. Volume 5 (1828)


Reformed Beliefs R

1               Texas in 1850. By Melinda Rankin. (1850)

2               Twenty Years among the Mexicans, A Narrative of Missionary Labor, by Melinda Rankin. (1879)


Reformed Beliefs R

1               A Brief Narration of Some Church Courses Held in Opinion and Practice in the Churches Lately Erected in New England. Collected out of sundry of their own Printed Papers and Manuscripts with other good Intelligences. Together with some short Hints, given by the way, of their Correspondence with the like Tenants and Practices of the Separatists' Churches. And some short Animadversions upon some Principal Passages for the benefit of the Vulgar Reader. Presented to Public View for the Good of the Church of God by W. R. (1644)


Reformed Beliefs R

1               Anabaptism Routed: or, A Survey of the Controverted Points: Concerning; I. Infant Baptism. II.                  Pretended Necessity of Dipping. III. The Dangerous Practice of Re-Baptizing. Together, with a             Particular Answer to all that is alleged in favor of the Anabaptists, by Dr. Jeremy Taylor, in his                  Book, Entitled, "The Liberty of Prophesying." By John Reading, B.D., and sometimes Student of              Magdalen-Hall in Oxford. (1655) (Author: Reading, John, 1588-1667 Subject: Taylor, Jeremy,            1613-1667)

2               The Christian's Companion, in the Principles of Religion, and the Concerns of Human Life. In Four           Parts. Containing, I. Of God, His Being and Attributes. II. The Sum of our Duty to God. III. Our              Duty to Ourselves. IV. Our Duty to our Neighbor. Wherein is shown, what are those things         Necessary to be Known, Believed, and Practiced, for the Attainment of Eternal Salvation. To                 which are Annexed, The Terms of our Salvation, Etc. By the Reverend John Reading, D.D. (1770)


Reformed Beliefs R

1               Memoir of the Late Rev. Thomas Reese D. D. of South Carolina. (1852)


Reformed Beliefs R

1               A Manual of the Missions of the Reformed (Dutch) Church in America. Issued by the Womans' Board of Foreign Missions. Edited by Mrs. Margaret E. Sangster. (1877) (Author: Reformed Church in America. Women's Board of Foreign Missions; Sangster, Margaret Elizabeth Munson, 1838-1912, ed)

2               A Manual of the Reformed Church in America (Formerly Reformed Protestant Dutch Church.) 1628-1878. By Edward Tanjore Corwin, D.D., Pastor at Millstone, New Jersey. Third Edition, Revised and Enlarged. (1879) (Author: Corwin, Edward Tanjore, 1834-1914)

3               Aid to the Heidelberg Catechism. (1904) (Author: Good, James I. (James Isaac), 1850-1924; Van Horne, David, 1837-1930)

4               Christian Praise. (1880) (Author: Reformed Church in America)

5               Expository Sermons on the Heidelberg Catechism. By Rev. Ferdinand Schureman Schenck, D.D., LL.D., Professor of Preaching and Sociology in the Theological Seminary of the Reformed Church in America at New Brunswick, New Jersey. (1920) (Author: Schenck, Ferdinand Schureman, 1845-1925)

6               The First Minister of the Dutch Reformed Church in the United States. (1858) (Author: [Michaëlius, Jonas] Subject: New Netherlands; Reformed Dutch church)

7               The Mission Field. Rev. I. W. Gowen, Editor. Volume 1 (1888)

8               The Mission Field. Rev. I. W. Gowen, Editor. Volume 2 (1889)

9               The Psalms and Hymns, with the Catechism, Confession of Faith, and Canons, of the Synod of Dort, and Liturgy of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church in North America. Authorized by the General Synod to be used in the Churches under their Care. (1847)

10            The Three Forms of Unity: Heidelberg Catechism. Belgic Confession. Canons of Dort. (1983) (Subject: Protestant Reformed Churches; Synod of Dort (1618-1619))

11            The Three Little Graves. (1860) (Subject: Lewis, Erasmus James, 1857-1858; Lewis, Margaret Louisa, 1853-1858; Lewis, Mary Ann Augusta, 1850-1858)

Reformed Beliefs R

1               A Harmony of the Confessions of Faith of the Christian and Reformed Churches, which purely                    Profess the Holy Doctrine of the Gospel in all the Chief Kingdoms, Nations, and Provinces of          Europe: The Catalogue and order whereof the Pages following will declare. There are added in                the end very Short Notes: In which both the Obscure things are made Plain, and those things              which may in show seem to be Contrary to each other, are Plainly and very modestly Reconciled,    and if any Points do as yet hang in doubt, they are Sincerely pointed at. All which things, in the                name of the Churches of France and Belgia, are submitted to the free and discreet Judgment of        all other Churches. Newly Translated out of Latin into English. Also in the end is added the                   Confession of the Church of Scotland, Allowed by Public Authority. (1643)

2               All the French Psalm Tunes with English Words. Being a Collection of Psalms according to the Verses and Tunes generally used in the Reformed Churches of France and Germany. Perused and Approved by Judicious Divines both English and French. (1632)

3               History of the Reformed Religion in France. By the Rev. Edward Smedley, M.A., Late Fellow of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. In Three Volumes. Volume 1 (1834) (Author: Smedley, Edward, 1788-1836)

4               History of the Reformed Religion in France. By the Rev. Edward Smedley, M.A., Late Fellow of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. In Three Volumes. Volume 2 (1834) (Author: Smedley, Edward, 1788-1836)

5               History of the Reformed Religion in France. By the Rev. Edward Smedley, M.A., Late Fellow of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. In Three Volumes. Volume 3 (1834) (Author: Smedley, Edward, 1788-1836)

6               Synodicon in Gallia Reformata: or, The Acts, Decisions, Decrees, and Canons of those Famous National Councils of the Reformed Churches in France. Being I. A most Faithful and Impartial History of the Rise, Growth, Perfection, and Decay of the Reformation in that Kingdom, with its fatal Catastrophe upon the Revocation of the Edict of Nants, in the Year 1685. II. The Confession of Faith and Discipline of those Churches. III. A Collection of Speeches, Letters, Sacred Politics, Cases of Conscience, and Controversies in Divinity, determined and resolved by those Grave Assemblies. IV. Many Excellent Expedients for preventing and healing Schisms in the Churches, and for re-uniting the dismembered Body of divided Protestants. V. The Laws, Government, and Maintenance of their Colleges, Universities and Ministers, together with their Exercise of Discipline upon delinquent Ministers and Church-Members. VI. A Record of very many Illustrious Events of Divine Providence relating to those Churches. The whole Collected and Composed out of Original Manuscript Acts of those Renowned Synods. A Work never before Extant in any Language. By John Quick, Minister of the Gospel in London. In Two Volumes. Volume 1 (1692)

7               The Acts, Decisions, Decrees, and Canons of the Twenty-Third National Synod of the Reformed Churches of France, held in the Town of Alez, and Province of Sevennes. This Synod was Opened the First Day of October, in the Year of Our Lord, 1691. By John Quick, Minister of the Gospel. In Two Volumes. Volume 2 (1692)

8               An  Edict of the French King, Prohibiting all Public Exercise of the Pretended Reformed Religion in his Kingdom. Wherein he Recalls, and totally Annuls the perpetual and irrevocable Edict of King Henry IV, his Grandfather, given at Nantes; full of most gracious Concessions to Protestants. To which is added, The French King's Letter to the Elector of Brandenburg, containing several Passages relating to the foregoing Edict. As also, A Brief and True Account of the Persecution carried on against those of the foresaid Religion, for to make them Abjure and Apostatize. Together, With the Form of Abjuration the Revolting Protestants are to Subscribe and Swear to. And a Declaration of his Electoral Highness of Brandenburg, in Favor of those of the Reformed Religion, who shall think fit to settle themselves in any of his Dominions. Translated out of French. The Second Edition, Corrected, with Additions. (1686)

9               The Fourteen of Meaux: An Account of the Earliest "Reformed Church" within France Proper, Organized by Estienne Mangin and Pierre Le Clerc; Who, with Twelve other Persons, Suffered Death by Fire in 1546. From Crespin and Various other Authorities. By H. M. Bower, M.A. With Illustrations. Reprinted from Volume V of the Proceedings of the Huguenot Society of London. (1894) (Author: Bower, H. M)

10            The French Convert: Being a True Relation of the Happy Conversion of a Noble French Lady, from the Errors and Superstitions of Popery to the Reformed Religion, by Means of a Protestant Gardener her Servant. Wherein is showed; Her Great and Unparalleled Sufferings on the Account of her said Conversion; as also Her Wonderful Deliverance from Two Assassins hired by a Popish Priest to murder her; And of her Miraculous Preservation in a Wood for Two Years; And how she was at last Providentially found by her Husband, who (together with her Parents) was brought over by her Means to the Embracing of the True Religion as were divers others also. To which is added, A Brief Account of the present Severe Persecutions of the French Protestants. The Seventh Edition. (microfilm) (18??) 


Reformed Beliefs R

1               Aid to the Heidelberg Catechism. (1904)

2               Famous Missionaries of the Reformed Church. (1903)

3               Famous Places of the Reformed Churches: A Religious Guidebook to Europe. (1910)

4               Historic Manual of the Reformed Church in the United States. By Joseph Henry Dubbs, D.D.      (1885) (Author: Dubbs, J.H. (Joseph Henry), 1838-1910)

5               Historical Handbook of the Reformed Church in the United States. (1897)

6               History of the German Reformed Church, By Rev. Lewis Mayer, D.D., Late Professor in the Theological Seminary of the German Reformed Church in the United States. To which is prefixed a Memoir of his Life, by Rev. Elias Heiner, A.M., Minister of the First Reformed Congregation in Baltimore. Second Edition. Volume 1 (1851) (Author: Mayer, Lewis, 1783-1849; Heiner, Elias)

7               History of the Reformed Church in the United States in the Nineteenth Century. (1911)

8               History of the Reformed Church in the United States, 1725-1792. (1899)

9               History of the Reformed Church of Germany: 1620-1890. (1894)

10            History of the Swiss Reformed Church since the Reformation. (1913)

11            Life Pictures of John Calvin: for Young and Old. (1909)

12            Minutes and Letters of the Coetus of the German Reformed Churches of Pennsylvania, 1747-1792. Together With Three Preliminary Reports of Rev. John Philip Boehm, 1734-1744. (1903) (Author: Reformed Church in the United States; Good, James I. (James Isaac), 1850-1924; Hinke, William John, 1871-1947; Boehm, John Philip, 1683-1749)

13            Psalms and Hymns, for use of the German Reformed Church, in the United States of America. Published by the Synod of said Church. Fifty-Fourth Edition. (1866)

14            Rambles Round Reformed Lands. (1889)

15            The American Lutheran Church, Historically, Doctrinally, and Practically Delineated, in Several Occasional Discourses: By S. S. Schmucker, D.D., Professor of Christian Theology, in the Theological Seminary of the General Synod, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. (1851) (Author: Schmucker, S. S. (Samuel Simon), 1799-1873)

16            The Augsburg Confession, Literally Translated from the Original Latin, with the most Important Additions of the German text Incorporated: Together with the General Creeds; and an Introduction, Notes, and Analytical Index. By Charles P. Krauth, D.D., Norton Professor in the Theological Seminary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, Philadelphia. (1868) (Author: Krauth, Charles Porterfield, 1823-1883)

17            The Augsburg Confession, Translated from the Latin, in 1536. By Richard Taverner, Translator of, "The English Bible" of 1539. With the Variations of the English Translations, directly or indirectly dependent thereon. Edited for the use of the Joint Committee of the General Council, The General Synod and The United Synod of the South, charged with the Preparation of a Revised Translation, By Henry E. Jacobs, Secretary of the Committee. Published for the Joint Committee. (1888) (Author: Taverner, Richard, 1505?-1575, tr; Jacobs, Henry Eyster, 1844-1932, ed)

18            The Confessional History of the Lutheran Church. By James W. Richard, D.D., LL.D., Professor in the Theological Seminary, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. (1909) (Author: Richard, James William, 1843-1909)

19            The Early Fathers of the Reformed Church in the United States. (1897) (--Peter Minuit.--Samuel Guldin.--John Philip Boehm.--George Michael Weiss.--Michael Schatter.--John Philip Leydich.--William Otterbein.)

20            The Fathers of the German Reformed Church in Europe and America. By Rev. H. Harbaugh, A.M. In Six Volumes. Volume 1 (1857) (Author: Harbaugh, Henry, 1817-1867; Heisler, D. Y. (Daniel Yost), 1820-1888; Deatrick, William Miller, 1823-1901; Bready, Guy Pearre, 1882-)

21            The Fathers of the German Reformed Church in Europe and America. By Rev. Henry H. Harbaugh, A.M. Second Edition. In Six Volumes. Volume 2 (1872) (Author: Harbaugh, Henry, 1817-1867; Heisler, D. Y. (Daniel Yost), 1820-1888; Deatrick, William Miller, 1823-1901; Bready, Guy Pearre, 1882-)

22            The Fathers of the German Reformed Church in Europe and America. By Rev. H. Harbaugh, A.M. Edited by Rev. D. Y. Heisler, A.M. In Six Volumes. Volume 3 (1872) (Author: Harbaugh, Henry, 1817-1867; Heisler, D. Y. (Daniel Yost), 1820-1888; Deatrick, William Miller, 1823-1901; Bready, Guy Pearre, 1882-)

23            The Fathers of the German Reformed Church in Europe and America. By Rev. H. Harbaugh, A.M. Continued by Rev. D. Y. Heisler, A.M. In Six Volumes. Volume 4 (1872) (Author: Harbaugh, Henry, 1817-1867; Heisler, D. Y. (Daniel Yost), 1820-1888; Deatrick, William Miller, 1823-1901; Bready, Guy Pearre, 1882-)

24            The Fathers of the German Reformed Church in Europe and America. By Rev. H. Harbaugh, D.D. Continued by Rev. D. Y. Heisler, A.M. In Six Volumes. Volume 5 (1881) (Author: Harbaugh, Henry, 1817-1867; Heisler, D. Y. (Daniel Yost), 1820-1888; Deatrick, William Miller, 1823-1901; Bready, Guy Pearre, 1882-)

25            The Fathers of the German Reformed Church in Europe and America. By Rev. H. Harbaugh, D.D., and Rev. D. Y. Heisler, D.D. Edited by Rev. William M. Deatrick, D.D., President of the Society for the Relief of Ministers and their Widows. In Six Volumes. Volume 6 (1888) (Author: Harbaugh, Henry, 1817-1867; Heisler, D. Y. (Daniel Yost), 1820-1888; Deatrick, William Miller, 1823-1901; Bready, Guy Pearre, 1882-)

26            The Heidelberg Catechism in its Newest Light. (1914)

27            The Life of Rev. Michael Schlatter; With a full account of his Travels and Labors among the        Germans in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, and Virginia; Including his Services as Chaplain         in the French and Indian War, and in the War of the Revolution. 1716 to 1790. By Rev. Henry   Harbaugh, A.M., Member of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. (1857) (Author: Harbaugh,             Henry, 1817-1867 Subject: Schlatter, Michael, 1716-1790)

28            The Lutheran Liturgy: Now Used by the Protestants in the Reformed Churches of Germany,       Proved to agree with the Rites and Ceremonies in the several Offices of the Book of Common                   Prayer, used by the Church of England. Faithfully translated out of the German Tongue, by a late            Gentleman-Commoner of Magdalen College in Oxford. The Second Edition. (1715)

29            The Origin of the Reformed Church in Germany. (1887)

30            The Reformed Reformation. (1916)

31            Women of the Reformed Church. (1901)

Reformed Beliefs R

1               The Reformed Church of Ireland (1537-1886). By the Right Honorable John Thomas Ball, LL.D.,                  D.L.C. Second Edition Revised. (1890) (Author: Ball, John Thomas)


Reformed Beliefs R

1               History of the Swiss Reformed Church since the Reformation. By Rev. Professor James I. Good, D.D., LL.D., Professor of Reformed Church History in the Central Theological Seminary, Dayton, Ohio. (1913) (Author: Good, James I. (James Isaac), 1850-1924)

2               The Service, Discipline, and Form, of the Common Prayers and Administration of the Sacraments, Used in the English Church of Geneva. As it was Approved by the most reverend Divine, Mr. John Calvin, and the Church of Scotland. Humbly presented to the most High Court of Parliament, this present year, 1641. (1641)


Reformed Beliefs R

1               A Harmony of the Confessions of Faith of the Christian and Reformed Churches, which purely Profess the Holy Doctrine of the Gospel in all the Chief Kingdoms, Nations, and Provinces of Europe: The Catalogue and order whereof the Pages following will declare. There are added in the end very Short Notes: In which both the Obscure things are made Plain, and those things which may in show seem to be Contrary to each other, are Plainly and very modestly Reconciled, and if any Points do as yet hang in doubt, they are Sincerely pointed at. All which things, in the name of the Churches of France and Belgia, are submitted to the free and discreet Judgment of all other Churches. Newly Translated out of Latin into English. Also in the end is added the Confession of the Church of Scotland, Allowed by Public Authority. (1643)

2               The Harmony of Protestant Confessions: Exhibiting the Faith of the Churches of Christ, Reformed after the Pure and Holy Doctrine of the Gospel, throughout Europe. Translated from the Latin. A New Edition, Revised and considerably Enlarged, by the Rev. Peter Hall, M.A., Rector of Milston, Wilts, and Minister of Long-Acre Chapel, London. (1842) (Author: Hall, Peter, 1803-1849)

3               The Heidelberg Catechism: Containing the Principles of the Christian Religion, for which the Protestants in the Palatinate have been long persecuted by the Jesuits. Being a Summary of the same Orthodox Principles, which are taught by the Church of England, and by the Calvinists in the Churches and Schools of Prussia, Poland, Hungary, Transylvania, Holland, Switzerland, Etc. With a Humble Dedication to the King of Great Britain. (1720)


Reformed Beliefs R

1               Memorial Volume. Covenant Renovation by the Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church in                North America. Published by order of the Synod. (1872)

2               Minutes of Reformed Presbytery of North America Session 67. Cincinnati, Ohio, May 27-June 2, 1896. (1896)

3               Minutes of Reformed Presbytery of North America Session 68. Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, May 26-June 3, 1897. (1897)

4               Minutes of Reformed Presbytery of North America Session 69. Walton, New York, June 1-8, 1898. (1898)

5               Minutes of Reformed Presbytery of North America Session 70. Mansfield, Ohio, May 31-June 6, 1899. (1899)

6               Minutes of Reformed Presbytery of North America Session 71. Cedarville, Ohio, May 3-June 5, 1900. (1900)

7               Minutes of Reformed Presbytery of North America Session 72. Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, May 29-June 5, 1901. (1901)

8               Minutes of Reformed Presbytery of North America Session 73. Syracuse, New York, May 28-June 4, 1902. (1902)

9               Minutes of Reformed Presbytery of North America Session 75. Sparta, Illinois, June 25-31, 1904. (1904)

10            Minutes of Reformed Presbytery of North America Session 76. New Castle, Pennsylvania, May 24-31, 1905. (1905)

11            Minutes of Reformed Presbytery of North America Session 77. Belle Center, Ohio, May 30-June 5, 1906. (1906)

12            Minutes of Reformed Presbytery of North America Session 78. Allegheny, Pennsylvania, May 22-28, 1907. (1907)

13            Minutes of Reformed Presbytery of North America Session 79. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 27-June 2, 1908. (1908)

14            Minutes of Reformed Presbytery of North America Session 80. Chicago, Illinois, May 25-June 1, 1909. (1909)

15            Minutes of Reformed Presbytery of North America Session 81. Winona Lake, Indiana, May 25-June 1, 1910. (1910)

16            Minutes of Reformed Presbytery of North America Session 82. Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, May 30-June 7, 1911. (1911)

17            Minutes of Reformed Presbytery of North America Session 83. Morning Sun, Iowa, May 29-June 4, 1912. (1912)

18            Minutes of Reformed Presbytery of North America Session 84. Winona Lake, Indiana, May 21-28, 1913. (1913)

19            Minutes of Reformed Presbytery of North America Session 85. Bloomington, Indiana, June 3-9, 1914. (1914)

20            Minutes of Reformed Presbytery of North America Session 86. Parnassus, Pennsylvania, June 2-8, 1915. (1915)

21            Minutes of Reformed Presbytery of North America Session 87. Chicago, Illinois, June 7-13, 1916. (1916)

22            Minutes of Reformed Presbytery of North America Session 88. Sterling, Kansas, June 6-13, 1917. (1917)

23            Minutes of Reformed Presbytery of North America Session 89. Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, June 5-12, 1918. (1918)

24            Minutes of Reformed Presbytery of North America Session 90. Belle Center, Ohio, June 4-10, 1919. (1919)

25            Reformation Principles Exhibited; Being the Declaration and Testimony of the Reformed Presbyterian Church in North America. Sixth Edition. (1871)

26            Reformation Principles Exhibited, by the Reformed Presbyterian Church, in the United States. (1849)

27            The Psalter; or, Book of Psalms. A Revision of the Metrical Version of the Bible Psalms, with Additional Versions. Reformed Presbyterian Version. (1907)


Reformed Beliefs R

1               Memoirs of the Life and Writings of those Eminent Divines, who Convened in the Famous          Assembly at Westminster, in the Seventeenth Century. By James Reid, Minister of the Gospel. In Two Volumes. Volume 1 (1811) (Subject: Westminster Assembly (1643-1652))

2               Memoirs of the Life and Writings of those Eminent Divines, who Convened in the Famous          Assembly at Westminster, in the Seventeenth Century. By James Reid, Minister of the Gospel. In Two Volumes. Volume 2 (1815) (Subject: Westminster Assembly (1643-1652))


Reid, James (Episcopalian - Anglican) (1780-1865)

Reformed Beliefs R

1               A Discourse on Infant Baptism. (microfilm) (1841)

2               A Sermon delivered in Trinity Church, St. Armand East, on the Death of the Honorable and Right Reverend Charles James Stewart, D. D., Lord Bishop of Quebec, on Sunday September 10, 1837. By the Rev. James Reid, to which is added: A Sermon on the same Occasion, Delivered at St. John's and Laprairie on the September 17, 1837. (microfilm)(1837) (Author: Reid, James, 1780-1865; Reid, Charles P. (Charles Peter), 1780-1865 Subject: Stewart, Charles, 1775-1837)

3               A Sermon, Preached in Trinity Church, in the Seigniory of St. Armand, Lower-Canada, On the Twenty-First Day of May, 1816, being the Day Appointed by Proclamation, for a General Thanksgiving to Almighty God, "For His Great Goodness in putting an End to the War in which we were Engaged Against France." (microfilm) (1816)


Reid, James (Presbyterian) (1877-?)

Reformed Beliefs R

1               In Quest of Reality: Being the Warrack Lectures on Preaching Delivered in the Theological         Colleges of the United Free Church of Scotland Session 1923-1924. (1924)

2               The Victory of God. By James Reid, M.A., Minister of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church,                  Eastbourne (1922)


Reformed Beliefs R

1               History of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, Comprising the Civil History of the Province of Ulster,  from the Accession of James the First: With a Preliminary Sketch of the Progress of the Reformed Religion in Ireland during the Sixteenth Century. And an Appendix, consisting of Original Papers. By James Seaton Reid, D.D., M.R.I.A., Professor of Ecclesiastical and Civil History in the University of Glasgow. Third Edition. In Three Volumes. Volume 1 (1853) (Author: Reid, James Seaton, 1798-1851; Killen, William Dool)

2               History of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, Comprising the Civil History of the Province of Ulster,  from the Accession of James the First: With a Preliminary Sketch of the Progress of the Reformed Religion in Ireland during the Sixteenth Century. And an Appendix, consisting of Original Papers. By James Seaton Reid, D.D., M.R.I.A., Professor of Ecclesiastical and Civil History in the University of Glasgow. Second Edition. In Three Volumes. Volume 2 (1853) (Author: Reid, James Seaton, 1798-1851; Killen, William Dool)

3               History of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, Comprising the Civil History of the Province of Ulster,  from the Accession of James the First: With a Preliminary Sketch of the Progress of the Reformed Religion in Ireland during the Sixteenth Century. And an Appendix, consisting of Original Papers. By James Seaton Reid, D.D., M.R.I.A., Professor of Ecclesiastical and Civil History in the University of Glasgow. Continued to the Present Time by W. D. Killen, D.D., Professor of Ecclesiastical History and Pastoral Theology for the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. Second Edition, with an Index. In Three Volumes. Volume 3 (1853) (Author: Reid, James Seaton, 1798-1851; Killen, William Dool)

4               History of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, Comprising the Civil History of the Province of Ulster,  from the Accession of James the First: With a Preliminary Sketch of the Progress of the Reformed Religion in Ireland during the Sixteenth Century. And an Appendix, consisting of Original Papers. By James Seaton Reid, D.D., M.R.I.A., Professor of Ecclesiastical and Civil History in the University of Glasgow. A New Edition. In Three Volumes. With Additional Notes, by W. D. Killen, D.D. Volume 1 (1867) (Author: Reid, James Seaton, 1798-1851; Killen, William Dool)

5               History of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, Comprising the Civil History of the Province of Ulster,  from the Accession of James the First: With a Preliminary Sketch of the Progress of the Reformed Religion in Ireland during the Sixteenth Century. And an Appendix, consisting of Original Papers. By James Seaton Reid, D.D., M.R.I.A., Professor of Ecclesiastical and Civil History in the University of Glasgow. A New Edition. In Three Volumes. With Additional Notes, by W. D. Killen, D.D. Volume 3 (1867) (Author: Reid, James Seaton, 1798-1851; Killen, William Dool)


Reformed Beliefs R

1               A Collection of Letters, Consisting of Ninety Three: Sixty One of which were Written by the Rev. Mr. James Renwick; the Remainder, by the Rev. Messrs. John Livingston, John Brown, John King, Donald Cargill, Richard Cameron, Alex Pedan, an Alex Shields. Also a few by Mr. Michael Shields, at the Direction of the General Correspondence: from the Years 1663 to 1689 Inclusive. Containing Many Remarkable Occurrences Hitherto Unknown in that Period. Wherein is Discovered the True State of the Cause and Testimony of that Time. The most of which never before printed. (1764) (Author: MacMillan, John, d.1808; Renwick, James, 1662-1688)

2               An Informatory Vindication of a Poor, Wasted Misrepresented Remnant of the Suffering, anti-Popish, Anti-Prelatic, Anti-Erastian, Anti-Sectarian, True Presbyterian Church of Christ in Scotland. United together in a general Correspondence. By Way of a Reply to Various Accusations, in Letters, Informations, and Conferences Given forth Against them. Written at the Leadhills in the Year 1687, conjunctly by Mr. James Renwick and Mr. Alexander Shiells, Author of, "The Hind Let Loose." (1744) (Author: Renwick, James, 1662-1688; Shields, Alexander, 1660?-1700)

3               Life of the Rev. James Renwick, the Last of the Scottish Martyrs. By the Rev. Robert Simpson, Sanquhar. (1843)

4               The Saint's Duty in Evil Times: In Two Sermons Preached from Isaiah 26:20. By Mr. James Renwick, Minister of the Gospel, who suffered in the Grass-Market of Edinburgh, February 17, 1688. (1745)


Resbury, Richard (1607-1674)

Reformed Beliefs R

1               The Tabernacle of God with Men: or, The Visible Church Reformed. A Discourse of the Matter and Discipline of the Visible Church, tending to Reformation. By Richard Resbury, Minister of the             Word in Oundle, in Northamptonshire. (1649)


Reformed Beliefs R

1               A Commentary on the Book of Ecclesiastes. Never Before Published Separately. By Edward Reynolds, D.D., Bishop of Norwich. Revised and Corrected by the Rev. Daniel Washbourn. (1811)

2               An Explication of the 110th Psalm: Wherein the Several Heads of Christian Religion therein Contained; Touching the Exaltation of Christ, the Scepter of His Kingdom, the Character of His Subjects, His Priesthood, Victories, Sufferings, and Resurrection, are Largely Explained and Applied. Being the Substance of Several Sermons Preached at Lincolns Inne. By Edward Reynolds, Sometimes Fellow of Merton College in Oxford, Late Preacher to the Foresaid Honorable Society, and Rector of the Church of Braunston in North Hampton Shire. The Third Edition, Revised and Corrected by the Author. (1642)

3               An Explication of the 110th Psalm: Wherein the Several Heads of Christian Religion therein Contained; Touching the Exaltation of Christ, the Scepter of His Kingdom, the Character of His Subjects, His Priesthood, Victories, Sufferings, and Resurrection, are Largely Explained and Applied. Being the Substance of Several Sermons Preached at Lincolns Inne. By Edward Reynolds, D.D., Afterwards Bishop of Norwich. London. (1837)

4               An Exposition of the Prophecy of Hosea. By the Rev. Jeremiah Burroughs, Rector of Tivetshall, Norfolk. 1643. Completed by the Rev. Thomas Hall, B.D., Rector of King’s Norton, and the Right Rev. Edward Reynolds, D.D., Bishop of Norwich. Revised and Corrected by the Rev. James Sherman, Minister of Surrey Chapel. (1863) (Author: Burroughs, Jeremiah, 1599-1646; Hall, Thomas, 1610-1665; Reynolds, Edward, 1599-1676)

5               The Works of the Right Rev. Edward Reynolds, D. D., Lord Bishop of Norwich; Now First Collected, With his Funeral Sermon, by B. Riveley, One of his Lordship’s Chaplains. To which is Prefixed a Memoir of the Life of the Author, by Alexander Chalmers, F.S.A. In Six Volumes. Scanned Together Into Three Volumes. Volumes 1 and 2 (Volume 1 Ends on Page 475 or PDF Page 556.) (1826)

6               The Works of the Right Rev. Edward Reynolds, D. D., Lord Bishop of Norwich; Now First Collected, With his Funeral Sermon, by B. Riveley, One of his Lordship’s Chaplains. To which is Prefixed a Memoir of the Life of the Author, by Alexander Chalmers, F.S.A. In Six Volumes. Scanned Together Into Three Volumes. Volumes 3 and 4 (Volume 3 Ends on Page 430 or PDF Page 443.) (1826)

7               The Works of the Right Rev. Edward Reynolds, D. D., Lord Bishop of Norwich; Now First Collected, With his Funeral Sermon, by B. Riveley, One of his Lordship’s Chaplains. To which is Prefixed a Memoir of the Life of the Author, by Alexander Chalmers, F.S.A. In Six Volumes. Scanned Together Into Three Volumes. Volumes 5 and 6 (Volume 5 Ends on Page 537 or PDF Page 564.) (1826)


Reformed Beliefs R

1               An Essay on Christian Baptism. (1819)

2               An Outline of the History of the Church in the State of Kentucky, During a Period of Forty Years: Containing the Memoirs of Rev. David Rice, and sketches of the origin and Present State of Particular Churches, and of the Lives and Labors of a Number of men who were Eminent and useful in their Day. (1824)

3               Slavery Inconsistent with Justice and Good Policy; Proved by a Speech delivered in the Convention, Held at Danville, Kentucky. By the Rev. David Rice. (1793)


Reformed Beliefs R

1               A Debate Between Rev. A. Campbell and Rev. N. L. Rice D. D.: On the Action, Subject, Design, and Administrator of Christian Baptism: Also, on the character of Spiritual Influence in Conversion and Sanctification, and on the Expediency and Tendency of Ecclesiastical Creeds, as Terms of Union and Communion: Held in Lexington, Kentucky, from the Fifteenth of November to the Second of December, 1843, a Period of Eighteen Days. (1844) (Author: Campbell, Alexander, 1788-1866; Rice, N. L. (Nathan Lewis), 1807-1877; Gould, Marcus Tullius Cicero, 1793-1860. [from old catalog]; Drapier, Ariel E. (Ariel Euclid))

2               A Debate on the Doctrine of Universal Salvation: Held in Cincinnati, Ohio, from March 24, to April 1, 1845. Between Rev. E. M. Pingree, Pastor of the First Universalist Church, Louisville, Kentucky. and Rev. N. L. Rice, D.D., Pastor of the Central Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati, Ohio. Taken down by a Reporter, and Revised by the Parties. (1845) (Author: Pingree, Enoch Merrill, 1817-1849; Rice, N. L. (Nathan Lewis), 1807-1877)

3               A Discourse on Dancing: Delivered in the Central Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati. (1847)

4               Baptism: The Design, Mode, and Subjects. (1855)

5               God Sovereign and Man Free: or, The Doctrine of Divine Foreordination and Man's Free Agency, Stated, Illustrated, and Proved from the Scriptures. (1850)

6               Immortality of the Soul and Destiny of the Wicked. (1871)

7               "Important Correspondence," concerning the Presbyterian Theological Seminary of the North-West, between Rev. Willis Lord, D.D., Professor of Theology, Jesse L Williams, Esquire, Director, Two Committees of the Directory, and Others, and Mr. Cyrus H. McCormick, Founder and Trustee, and Rev. N. L. Rice, D.D., former Professor of Theology, and others. (1869) (Author: Lord, Willis, 1809-1888; Williams, J. L. (Jesse Lynch), 1807-1886; Rice, N. L. (Nathan Lewis), 1807-1877; McCormick, Cyrus Hall, 1809-1884)

8               Lectures on Slavery, Delivered in the First Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati, July First and Third, 1845. (1845)

9               Lectures on Slavery: Delivered in the North Presbyterian Church, Chicago. (1860)

10            Objections to Calvinism as it is, In a Series of Letters Addressed to Rev. N. L. Rice, D.D., by Rev. R. S. Foster. With an Appendix, containing Replies and Rejoinders. (1849) (Author: Foster, Randolph S. (Randolph Sinks), Bishop, 1820-1903; Rice, N. L. (Nathan Lewis), 1807-1877)

11            Our Country and the Church. (1861)

12            Phrenology Examined, and Shown to be Inconsistent with the Principles of Physiology, Mental and Moral Science, and the Doctrines of Christianity. Also an Examination of the Claims of Mesmerism. (1849)

13            Romanism, the Enemy of Education, of Free Institutions, and of Christianity. (1853)

14            Sermon on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, Late President of the United States, Preached on the Occasion of the National Funeral, Wednesday, April 19, 1865. (1865)

15            Slavery and the Church. Two Letters Addressed to N. L. Rice, D.D., in reply to his Letters to the Congregational Deputation, on the subject of Slavery. Also a Letter to Rev. Nehemiah Adams, D.D., in Answer to the, "South Side view of Slavery," by Smectymnuus. (1856) (Subject: Rice, N. L. (Nathan Lewis), 1807-1877; Adams, Nehemiah, 1806-1878)

16            Ten Letters on the Subject of Slaver: Addressed to the Delegates from the Congregational Associations to the Last General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church. (1855)

17            The Christian Sabbath: Its History, Authority, Duties, Benefits, and Civil Relations. A Series of Discourses. By the Rev. N. L. Rice, D.D., the Rev. William Hague, D.D., the Rev. Harvey D. Ganse,, the Rev. William Adams, D.D., and the Rev. Alexander H. Vinton, D.D. (1863) (Author: Rice, N. L. (Nathan Lewis), 1807-1877; Hague, William, 1808-1887; Ganse, H. D. (Hervey Doddridge), 1822-1891)

18            The Pulpit: Its Relations to our National Crisis. A Sermon, Preached in Fifth Avenue and Nineteenth Street Presbyterian Church. (1862)

19            The Signs of the Times. In a Series of Eight Lectures. (1855)


Reformed Beliefs R

1               Modern France: A Poem. (1793)

2               Poems by George Richards, M.A., Late Fellow of Oriel College. In Two Volumes. Volume 1 (1804)

3               Poems by George Richards, M.A., Late Fellow of Oriel College. In Two Volumes. Volume 2 (1804)

4               The Aboriginal Britons, A Poem. (1791)

5               The Divine Origin of Prophecy Illustrated and Defended in a course of Sermons Preached before             the University of Oxford, in the Year 1800. At the Lecture founded by John Bampton, M.A.,              Canon of Salisbury. By the Rev. George Richards, M.A., Vicar of Bampton; and Rector of                 Lillingstone Lovell, Oxfordshire; and Late Fellow of Oriel College. (1800)

6               The Oxford English Prize Essays. A New Edition brought down to the Present Time. Volume 1     (1836) 


Reformed Beliefs R

1               An Address, Delivered June 24, 1812, at the Funeral of Mrs. Sarah Cumming, Consort of the Rev. Hooper Cumming, Pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church in Newark, New Jersey. By James Richards, A.M., Pastor of the First Church. (1812) (Subject: Cumming, Sarah Emmons, 1790?-1812)

2               Lectures on Mental Philosophy and Theology. By James Richards, D.D., Late Professor of            Christian Theology, in the Theological Seminary at Auburn, New York. With a Sketch of his Life,          by Samuel H. Gridley, Pastor of the Presbyterian Congregation, Waterloo, New York. (1846)     (Author: Richards, James, 1767-1843; Gridley, S. H. (Samuel H.)) (Biographical sketch -- On the       will -- On creation -- On second causes -- On the fall of man -- On native depravity -- On the                   extent of the atonement -- On election -- On effectual calling -- On justification -- On the prayer                 of faith -- On apostasy -- On ability and inability.)

3               Sermons by the Late Rev. James Richards, D.D.: With an Essay on his Character. By William B.                  Sprague, D.D. (1849) (Author: Richards, James, 1767-1843; Sprague, William Buell, 1795-1876)

4               The Spirit of Paul the Spirit of Missions. A Sermon, Preached at New Haven, Connecticut, before             the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, at their Annual Meeting, September                   15, 1814. (1814)


Richards, James McDowell (1902-1986)

Reformed Beliefs R

1               As I remember it: Columbia Theological Seminary, 1932-1971. By Dr. James McDowell Richards.            (1985)

2               Change and the Changeless. Articles, Essays, and Sermons by James McDowell Richards. (1972)


Richards, William Rogers (Presbyterian) (1853-1910)

Reformed Beliefs R

1               For Whom Christ Died. (1902)

2               Forty Years of Covenant Mercies; A Description of Historic Memorials in the Church of the Covenant, New York City. By George Sidney Webster, D.D., Pastor and Addresses Delivered January 28th, 1906 by William Rogers Richards, D.D. and J. Cleveland Cady, LL.D. (1906)

3               God's Choice of Men A Study of Scripture. (1905)

4               In Memory of the Rev. William Rogers Richards, D. D. Pastor of the Brick Presbyterian Church, Madison, New York, 1902-1910. Called to his Reward on the Seventh Day of January, Nineteen-Hundred and Ten. (1910)

5               The Apostle's Creed in Modern Worship. (microfilm) (1906)

6               The Truth in Love From the Sermons of William R. Richards, D.D. Arranged for Daily Readings by A. Van Doren Honeyman. (1912) (Author: Richards, William Rogers, 1853-1910; Honeyman, A. Van Doren (Abraham Van Doren), 1849-1936)

7               The Ways of Wisdom and other Sermons. By William R. Richards, Crescent Avenue Church, Plainfield, New Jersey. (1886)


Reformed Beliefs R

1               Camping Out in California. (1889)

2               Six Years on the Border; or, Sketches of Frontier Life. (1883)


Reformed Beliefs R

1               A Short Treatise of Magnetical Bodies and Motions. (1613)


Robe, James (1688-1753)

Reformed Beliefs R

1               Narrative of the Revival of Religion at Kilsyth, Cambuslang, and other places in 1742, by the Rev. James Robe, A.M., Minister of Kilsyth. With an Introductory Essay by the Rev. Robert Buchanan, Minister of the Tron Church, Glasgow. (1840) (Author: Robe, James, 1688-1753; Buchanan, Robert)

2               Narratives of the Extraordinary work of the Spirit of God, at Cambuslang, Kilsyth, Etc. Begun 1742. Written by Mr. James Robe, and others. With Attestations by Ministers, Preachers, Etc. (1790) (Subject: Robe, James, 1688-1753; Revivals -- Scotland Cambuslang)


Roberts, William Charles (Presbyterian) (1832-1903)

Reformed Beliefs R

1               Addresses Delivered at the Inauguration of Rev. William C. Roberts, D.D., LL.D., as President of              Lake Forest University. June 22, 1887. (1887)

2               New Testament Conversions Their Manifoldness. By the Rev. William Charles Roberts, D.D., LL.D.         (1895)


Roberts, William Henry (1844-1920)

Reformed Beliefs R

1               A Concise History of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America with an Address on the 200th Anniversary of the General Synod. By Rev. William Henry Roberts, D.D., LL.D., Stated Clerk of the General Assembly. (1920)

2               A Manual for Ruling Elders and Church Sessions containing the Laws and Usages of the Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A. In Relation to Ruling Elders and other Church Officers, Church Sessions, Churches, and Congregations with Introductory Matter, Notes, Suggestions, and Appendices, by the Rev. William Henry Roberts, D.D., LL.D. (1918)

3               Addresses at the Celebration of the 250th Anniversary of the Westminster Assembly, by the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the  U. S. A. Edited by the Rev. William Henry Roberts, D.D., LL.D. (1898) (Subject: Westminster Assembly (1643-1652) (Opening sermon, by Sheldon Jackson.--Presentation of portrait of Alexander Henderson, by Wm. C. Gray.--Alexander Henderson, by W. H. Roberts.--The civil and religious conditions of the times of the Westminster Assembly, by S. J. Niccolls--The story of the Westminster Assembly, by Geo. Norcross.--The fundamental doctrines of the Westminster confession and catechisms, by J. D. Moffat.--The Westminster polity and worship, by R.F. Coyle--The Westminster Assembly, the men and their work, by Wallace Radcliffe.--The American Presbyterian church and the adopting acts, by B.L. Agnew.--The Presbyterian churches and the people, by J. A. Beaver.--The Presbyterian churches and education, by John Eaton.--Presbyterianism and its influence upon society through its emphasis upon childhood and youth, by N. D. Hillis.--The Presbyterian churches and home missions, by G.L. Spining.--The Presbyterian churches and foreign missions, by R.E. Speer.--The Westminster standards and the formation of the American republic, by W.H. Roberts.)

4               Addressed delivered at the Celebration of the Centennial of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, May 24, 1888. (1888)

5               Addresses Delivered at the Lane Theological Seminary, of the Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A., on the Occasion of the Inauguration of the Rev. William H. Roberts, D.D., as Professor of Practical Theology. (1887) (Author: Lane Theological Seminary; Roberts, William Henry, 1844-1920; Hays, George Pierce, 1838-1897)

6               John Calvin, Theologian, Preacher, Educator, and Statesman. (1909) (Author: Vollmer, Philip, 1860-1929; Good, James I. (James Isaac), 1850-1924; Roberts, William Henry, 1844-1920)

7               Laws Relating to Religious Corporations: Being a Collection of the General Statutes of the Several States and Territories for the Incorporation and Management of Churches, Religious Societies, Presbyteries, Synods, Etc., with References to Special Legislation Pertaining to Denominational Churches. (1896)

8               Manual of Law and Usage; Compiled from the Standards and the Acts and Deliverances of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. By Benjamin F. Bittinger, D.D. Revised Edition. Containing an Appendix, 1895-1912, by the Rev. William H. Roberts, D.D., LL.D., Stated Clerk of the General Assembly. (1913)

9               The Presbyterian Digest of 1907. A Compend of the Acts, Decisions, and Deliverances of the General Presbytery, General Synod, and General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, 1706-1906. Compiled from the Years 1706-1897, by the Rev. William E. Moore, D.D., LL.D. with the Cooperation of the Committee of the General Assembly. Supplement for the Years 1898-1906, Edited by the Rev. William H. Roberts, D.D., LL.D. (1907) (Author: Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. General Assembly; Moore, William E. (William Eves), 1823-1899; Roberts, William Henry, 1844-1920)

10            The Presbyterian System; Its Characteristics, Authority, and Obligation. (1895)

11            The Supplement to the Presbyterian Digest, 1898-1906. (1907)


Reformed Beliefs R

1               Our Lord's Teaching. (microfilm) (1895)

2               The Life of James Robertson: Missionary, Superintendent in the Northwest Territories. By         Charles W. Gordon (Ralph Connor). (1908) (Author: Connor, Ralph, 1860-1937)


Robertson, James (of Newington) (Brother of William) (Presbyterian) (1816-1879)

Reformed Beliefs R

1               Our Lord's Teaching. (microfilm) (1895)

2               The Life of James Robertson: Missionary, Superintendent in the Northwest Territories. By         Charles W. Gordon (Ralph Connor). (1908) (Author: Connor, Ralph, 1860-1937)


Reformed Beliefs R

1               Brown's Robertson's Selection of Sacred Music, Ancient and Modern, in Four Vocal parts, for the            use of Presbyterian Churches, Chapels, and Public Institutions throughout the Kingdom. To               which is prefixed, a new Musical Catechism, with improved Scales and Examples. (1850)

2               Dream of the Foolish Virgin: And other Poems. By Robertson of Irvine, Poet-Preacher. (1898)

3               Life of William Bruce Robertson, D.D., Irvine. With Extracts from his Letters and Poems. By James         Brown, D.D. Third Edition. (1889)

4               Martin Luther. German Student Life. Poetry. From the Manuscripts of the Late William B.          Robertson, D.D., Irvine. Second Edition. (1892)

5               Robertson of Irvine; Poet-Preacher. By Arthur Guthrie, Editor of 'The Ardrossan and Saltcoats                    Herald, Ayrshire, N. B.' (1890) (Author: Guthrie, Arthur, d. 1914)


Robinson, Charles Seymour (Presbyterian) (1829-1899)

Reformed Beliefs R

1               A Selection of Spiritual Songs with Music for the Church and the Choir. (1878)

2               Annotations upon Popular Hymns. For use in Praise Meetings. (1893)

3               Calvary Songs: A Collection of New and Choice Hymns and Tunes for Sunday Schools and             Families. By Rev. Charles S. Robinson, D.D., and Theodore E. Perkins. (1875) (Author: Robinson,       Charles S. (Charles Seymour), 1829-1899; Perkins, T. E. (Theodore Edson), 1831-1912)

4               From Samuel to Solomon. (1889)

5               Laudes Domini; A Selection of Spiritual Songs Ancient and Modern. (1887)

6               Psalms, and Hymns, and Spiritual Songs. A Manual of Worship for the Church of Christ. (1875)

7               Sermons in Songs. (1885)

8               Short Studies for Sunday school Teachers. (1868)

9               Simon Peter: His Early Life and Times. (1889)

10            Songs for Christian Worship in the Chapel and Family: Selected from the "Songs of the Church." (1869)

11            Songs for the Sanctuary; or, Psalms and Hymns for Christian Worship. (1870)

12            Songs of the Church: or, Hymns and Tunes for Christian Worship. (1876)

13            Studies in Mark's Gospel. (1888)

14            Studies in the New Testament. (1880)

15            Studies of Neglected Texts. (1883)

16            The Martyred President: A Sermon Preached in the First Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, New York, by the Pastor, Rev. Charles S. Robinson, on the Morning of April 16th, 1865. (1865)

17            The New Laudes Domini; A Selection of Spiritual Songs, Ancient and Modern. (1892)

18            The Pharaohs of the Bondage and the Exodus. (1887)

19            The Women of the Arabs. With a Chapter for Children. By Rev. Henry Harris Jessup, D.D., Seventeen Years American Missionary in Syria. Edited by Rev. C. S. Robinson, D.D., and Rev. Isaac Riley. (1874) (Author: Jessup, Henry Harris, 1832-1910; Robinson, Charles S. (Charles Seymour), 1829-1899, ed; Riley, Isaac, joint ed)


Reformed Beliefs R

1               Discourses of Redemption: as Revealed at "Sundry Times and in Divers Manners," Designed both          as Biblical Expositions for the People and Hints to Theological Students of a Popular Method of     Exhibiting the "Divers" Revelations through Patriarchs, Prophets, Jesus, and His Apostles. By Rev.        Stuart Robinson, Pastor of the Second Church, Louisville, and Late Professor of Church              Government and Pastoral Theology at Danville, Kentucky. Second American Edition. (1867)

2               Rev. Stuart Robinson to Abraham Lincoln. (microfilm) (1865)

3               Slavery, as recognized in the Mosaic Civil Law, recognized also, and allowed, in the Abrahamic,              Mosaic, and Christian Church, being one of a series of Sabbath Evening Discourses on the Law of     Moses. By Rev. Stuart Robinson. With notes from Orthodox British, and Continental Biblical    Critics and Commentators. (1865)

4               The Church of God as an Essential Element of the Gospel, and the Idea, Structure, and Functions            thereof. A Discourse in Four Parts. With an Appendix, Containing the more important Symbols of   Presbyterian Church Government, Historically arranged and Illustrated. (1858)

5               The Infamous Perjuries of the 'Bureau of Military Justice' Exposed. Letter of Rev. Stuart Robinson           to Honorable Mr. Emmons. With Postscript and Appendix. (1865) (Subject: Robinson, Stuart, 1814-1881; Emmons, H. H)

Reformed Beliefs R

1               A Discourse on the Life and Character of Rev. William R. Dewitt, D.D., Late Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. By his Colleague, Rev. Thomas H. Robinson. (1868) (Subject: DeWitt, William Radcliffe, 1792-1867)

2               Addresses delivered before the Dauphine County Historical Society In the State Capitol, Harrisburg, July 4, 1876. (1876) (Author: Dauphin County Historical Society (Dauphin County, Pa.); Robinson, Thomas Hastings, 1828-1906; Hamilton, A. Boyd (Adam Boyd), 1808-1896; Egle, William Henry, 1830-1901)

3               Historical Sketch of Hanover Church, by Rev. Thomas H. Robinson, D.D. With a Notice of the Church at Conewago, by A. Boyd Hamilton. (1878) (Author: Robinson, Thomas Hastings, 1828-1906; Hamilton, A. Boyd (Adam Boyd), 1808-1896 Subject: Hanover Presbyterian Church (Dauphin Co., Pa.); Conewago Church (Dauphin Co., Pa.))

4               Memorial of Mrs. Hanna A. Weir, Wife of James W. Weir. (1872) (Subject: Weir, Mrs. Hanna A., 1799-1872)

5               The Unveiling of Divine Justice in the Great Rebellion. A Sermon by Rev. T. H. Robinson: June 1, 1865. (1865) (Subject: Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865)

6               Thomas Robinson and his Descendants. (1902) (Subject: Robinson, Thomas, d. 1740?)


Reformed Beliefs R

1               A Historical Discourse on the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Albany, Delivered on Thanksgiving Day, November 26, 1857, in the North Dutch Church, by the Pastor, Rev. E. P. Rogers, D.D. (1858)

2               A Pious Mother, a Discourse by E. P. Rogers, D.D., Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, in Augusta, Georgia. (1853)

3               Everything in Christ: An Exposition of I Corinthians 1:30. (1858)

4               Our Martyr President, Abraham Lincoln, Voices from the Pulpit of New York and Brooklyn. Oration by Honorable George Bancroft. Oration at the Burial, by Bishop Simpson. (1865) (Author: Williams, William R., 1804-1885; Beecher, Henry Ward, 1813-1887; Bellows, Henry W. (Henry Whitney), 1814-1882; Tyng, Stephen H. (Stephen Higginson), 1800-1885; Robinson, Charles S. (Charles Seymour), 1829-1899; Budington, William Ives, 1815-1879; McClintock, John, 1814-1870; Littlejohn, A. N. (Abram Newkirk), 1824-1901; Cuyler, Theodore L. (Theodore Ledyard), 1822-1909; Thompson, Joseph Parrish, 1819-1879; Eells, James, 1822-1886; Porter, Elbert Stothoff, 1820-1888; Rogers, E. P. (Ebenezer Platt), 1817-1881; Burchard, S. D. (Samuel Dickinson), 1812-1891; Rockwell, J. E. (Joel Edson), 1816-1882; Spear, Samuel T. (Samuel Thayer), 1812-1891; Lowry, Robert, 1826-1899; Hunt, Albert S. (Albert Sanford), 1827-1898; Adams, William, 1807-1880; Fox, Henry J; Smith, Henry Boynton, 1815-1877; Bancroft, George, 1800-1891; Simpson, Matthew, 1811-1884)

5               The Glory of New York: A Discourse Delivered in the South Reformed Church on Thanksgiving Day, November 26, 1874. (1874)

6               The Relations of Christianity to Law and the Legal Profession. A Discourse. (1852)


Reformed Beliefs R

1               The Catholic Doctrine of the Church of England, An Exposition of the Thirty Nine Articles, by       Thomas Rogers, A.M., Chaplain to Archbishop Bancroft. Edited for the Parker Society, by the       Rev. J. J. S. Perowne, M.A., Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. (1854) (Author: Rogers,          Thomas, d. 1616; Perowne, J. J. Stewart (John James Stewart), 1823-1904)


Reformed Beliefs R

1               The Memoires of the Duke of Rohan: or, A Faithful Relation of the Remarkable Occurrences in France; Especially Concerning those of the Reformed Churches there. From the Death of Henry the Great, until the Peace made with them, in June, 1629. Together with Divers Politic Discourses upon Several Occasions. Written Originally in French, by the Duke of Rohan and now Englished by George Bridges of Lincoln's-Inne, Esquire. (1660) (Author: Rohan, Henri, duc de, 1579-1638; John Adams Library (Boston Public Library) MB (BRL); Bridges, George, of Lincoln's Inn; Rohan, Henri, duc de, 1579-1638; Adams, John, 1735-1826, former owner Subject: Protestants -- France; Huguenots -- France; France -- History Louis XIII, 1610-1643)


Reformed Beliefs R

1               "Is the Soul of a Jew Worth $5000?" Reply of Rev. Sabeti B. Rohold to Rabbi J. Levin of the            Dagmar Street Synagogue, Winnipeg. (microfilm) (1910)

2               Modern Developments in Judaism. (microfilm) (1910)

3               Presbyterian Church in Canada, Missions to the Jews: Historical Sketch; The Story of our            Church's Interest in Israel. (microfilm) (1918)

4               The History of Jewish Believers in the Canadian Protestant Church, 1759-1995. A Thesis             submitted in partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Christian    Studies. By Daniel Jonathan Nessim, B.Th., Northwest Baptist College, 1986. (1995)

5               The Jews in Canada. (microfilm) (1912)

6               The War and the Jew; A Bird's Eye  view of the World's Situation and the Jew's place in it. By the               Rev. S. B. Rohold, F.R.G.S., Pastor Christian Synagogue, Toronto, President Hebrew Christian             Alliance of America, Assistant Editor "Missionary Review of the World," Missionary Editor         "Jewish Era." (1915)


Rollock, Robert (1555-1599)

Reformed Beliefs R

1               Edinburgh Sketches and Memories. By David Mason, Professor of English Literature in the         University of Edinburgh. (1892) (Author: Masson, David, 1822-1907) (Queen Mary's Edinburgh.- -Robert Rollock and the beginnings of Edinburgh university.--King James's farewell to Holyrood.--           Proposed memorial to Drummond of Hawthornden.--Allan Ramsay.--Lady Wardlaw and the                Baroness Nairne.--Edinburgh through the Dundas despotism.--The last years of Sir Walter Scott.-    -Carlyle's Edinburgh life.--Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe.--John Hill Burton.--Dr. John Brown of         Edinburgh.--Literary history of Edinburgh.)

2               Select Works of Robert Rollock, Principal of the University of Edinburgh. Reprinted from the     Original Editions. Edited by William M. Gunn, Esquire. In Two Volumes. Volume 1 (1844)           (Author: Rollock, Robert, 1555?-1599; Gunn, William M)

3               Select Works of Robert Rollock, Principal of the University of Edinburgh. Reprinted from the     Original Editions. Edited by William M. Gunn, Esquire. In Two Volumes. Volume 2 (1844)           (Author: Rollock, Robert, 1555?-1599; Gunn, William M)


Reformed Beliefs R

1               Sermons by John B. Romeyn, D.D., Pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Cedar-Street, New-York.             In Two Volumes. Volume 1 (1816)

2               Sermons by John B. Romeyn, D.D., Pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Cedar-Street, New-York.             In Two Volumes. Volume 2 (1816)

3               Three Letters, on Different Subjects, I. to John B. Romeyn, D.D. Pointing out wherein the Author's views of Prophecies are different from those of the Doctor's, as they are contained in Two Sermons of his, Preached on a Fast Day, at Albany, September 8, 1808. II. to Isaac Osgood, Esquire. A Review of Locke's Chapter on Power, and Edwards on the Freedom of the Will. III. to the Rev. Amzi Armstrong. Calvinists are not in everything Correct, because they disagree among themselves in some things that are very Important. By Samuel Osgood, A.M., A.A.S. (1811) (Author: Osgood, Samuel, 1748-1813 Subject: Presbyterian church; Congregational churches; Reformed church)


Reformed Beliefs R

1               A New General Biographical Dictionary. In Twelve Volumes. Volume 1 (AA-ANS) (1857) (Author: Rose, Hugh James, 1795-1838; Rose, Henry John, 1800-1873, ed; Wright, Thomas, 1810-1877, ed)

2               A New General Biographical Dictionary. In Twelve Volumes. Volume 2 (ANS-BAH) (1857) (Author: Rose, Hugh James, 1795-1838; Rose, Henry John, 1800-1873, ed; Wright, Thomas, 1810-1877, ed)

3               A New General Biographical Dictionary. In Twelve Volumes. Volume 3 (BAH-BEE) (1857) (Author: Rose, Hugh James, 1795-1838; Rose, Henry John, 1800-1873, ed; Wright, Thomas, 1810-1877, ed)

4               A New General Biographical Dictionary. In Twelve Volumes. Volume 4 (BEE-BRA) (1857) (Author: Rose, Hugh James, 1795-1838; Rose, Henry John, 1800-1873, ed; Wright, Thomas, 1810-1877, ed)

5               A New General Biographical Dictionary. In Twelve Volumes. Volume 5 (BRA-CAP) (1857) (Author: Rose, Hugh James, 1795-1838; Rose, Henry John, 1800-1873, ed; Wright, Thomas, 1810-1877, ed)

6               A New General Biographical Dictionary. In Twelve Volumes. Volume 6 (CAP-CZE) (1857) (Author: Rose, Hugh James, 1795-1838; Rose, Henry John, 1800-1873, ed; Wright, Thomas, 1810-1877, ed)

7               A New General Biographical Dictionary. In Twelve Volumes. Volume 7 (DAC-GEO) (1857) (Author: Rose, Hugh James, 1795-1838; Rose, Henry John, 1800-1873, ed; Wright, Thomas, 1810-1877, ed)

8               A New General Biographical Dictionary. In Twelve Volumes. Volume 8 (GEO-JEN) (1857) (Author: Rose, Hugh James, 1795-1838; Rose, Henry John, 1800-1873, ed; Wright, Thomas, 1810-1877, ed)

9               A New General Biographical Dictionary. In Twelve Volumes. Volume 9 (JEP-MAR) (1857) (Author: Rose, Hugh James, 1795-1838; Rose, Henry John, 1800-1873, ed; Wright, Thomas, 1810-1877, ed)

10            A New General Biographical Dictionary. In Twelve Volumes. Volume 10 (MAR-PAV) (1857) (Author: Rose, Hugh James, 1795-1838; Rose, Henry John, 1800-1873, ed; Wright, Thomas, 1810-1877, ed)

11            A New General Biographical Dictionary. In Twelve Volumes. Volume 11 (PAY-SEN) (1857) (Author: Rose, Hugh James, 1795-1838; Rose, Henry John, 1800-1873, ed; Wright, Thomas, 1810-1877, ed)

12            A New General Biographical Dictionary. In Twelve Volumes. Volume 12 (SEP-ZWI) (1857) (Author: Rose, Hugh James, 1795-1838; Rose, Henry John, 1800-1873, ed; Wright, Thomas, 1810-1877, ed)

13            The History of the Christian Religion and the Church during the Three First Centuries. By Dr. Augustus Neander. Translated from the German, by Henry John Rose, B.D., Fellow of St. John’s College, Cambridge. In Two Volumes. Volume 1  (Containing: The Introduction, The History of the Persecutions of Christians, Church Government, and Christian Life and Worship.)(1831) (Author: Neander, August, 1789-1850; Rose, Henry John, 1800-1873)

14            The History of the Christian Religion and the Church during the Three First Centuries. By Dr. Augustus Neander. Translated from the German, by Henry John Rose, B.D., Fellow of St. John’s College, Cambridge. In Two Volumes. Volume 2 (Containing: The History of Christian Sects and Doctrines, and an account of the Chief Fathers of the Church.) (1841) (Author: Neander, August, 1789-1850; Rose, Henry John, 1800-1873)

15            The Law of Moses viewed in connection with the History and Character of the Jews: With a Defense of the Book of Joshua against Professor Leo of Berlin; being the Hulsean Lectures for 1833, to which is added, an Appendix containing remarks on the Arrangement of the Historical Scriptures adopted by Gesenius, De Wette, and others. (1834) (Author: Rose, Henry John, 1800-1873 Subject: Bible; Jewish law; Jews -- History To 70 A.D)


Reformed Beliefs R

1               Pansebeia: or, A View of All Religions in the World: With the Several Church Governments, from the Creation, till These Times. Also, a Discovery of all Known Heresies, in All Ages and Places: and Choice Observations and Reflections Throughout the Whole. The Third Edition, Enlarged and Perfected, by Alexander Ross. To which are annexed, the Lives, Actions, and Ends of certain Notorious Heretics. With their Effigies in Copper-Plates. (1658) (Author: Ross, Alexander, 1591-1654; Haestens, Henrick van)

2               Pansebeia: or, A View of All Religions in the World: With the Several Church Governments, from the Creation, till These Times. Also, a Discovery of all Known Heresies, in All Ages and Places: and Choice Observations and Reflections Throughout the Whole. The Sixth Edition, Enlarged and Perfected, by Alexander Ross. To which are annexed, the Lives, Actions, and Ends of certain Notorious Heretics. With their Effigies in Copper-Plates. (1696)

3               The Abridgement of Christian Divinity: So exactly and Methodically compiled, that it leads us, as it were by the Hand to the, I. Reading of the Holy Scriptures. II. Ordering of Common-Places. III. Understanding of Controversies. Iv. Clearing of some Cases of Conscience. By John Wollebius, Doctor of Divinity and Ordinary Professor in the University of Basil. Faithfully Translated into English, and in some obscure places Cleared and Enlarged, by Alexander Ross. The Third Edition. To which is adjoined, after the Alphabetical Table, the Anatomy of the whole body of Divinity, Delineated in Fourteen Short Tables, for the help of Weak Memories. (1660) (Author: Wolleb, Johannes, 1586-1629; Ross, Alexander, 1591-1654)

4               The History of the World: The Second Part, in Six Books: Being a continuation of the Famous History of Sir Walter Raleigh, Knight: Beginning where he left; Viz. at the End of the Macedonian Kingdom, and deduced to these Later-Times: That is, from the Year of the World 3806, or, 160 Years before Christ, till the end of the Year 1640, after Christ: By Alexander Ross. Wherein the most Remarkable Passages of those Times, (both Ecclesiastical and Civil) in the greatest States, Empires, and Kingdoms, are Represented: Together with a Chronology of those Times, Etc. and an Alphabetical-Table by the Author. (1652) (Author: Ross, Alexander, 1591-1654; Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1552?-1618. History of the world)


Reformed Beliefs R

1               History of the Reformation in Switzerland. By Abraham Ruchat, Minister of the Gospel, and      Professor of Belles Lettres, in the Academy of Lausanne. The First Four Volumes to the Year           1537. Edition of M. L. Vulliemin, in Seven Volumes, at Nyon, Switzerland. A. D. 1838. Abridged                   from the French, by the Rev. J. Collinson, M.A., Rector of Boldon, and Honorary Canon of      Durham Cathedral. (1845)


Reformed Beliefs R

1               A Second Vindication of the Church of Scotland: Being an Answer to Five Pamphlets, the Titles of which are set down after the Preface. By the Author of the former Vindication in Answer to the Ten Questions. (1691)

2               A Vindication of the Church of Scotland: Being an Answer to a Paper by A. Cunningham, Entitled, "Some Questions Concerning Episcopal and Presbyterial Government in Scotland." Wherein the Latter is Vindicated from the Arguments and Calumnies of the Author; and the former is made to appear to be a Stranger in that Nation. By a Minister of the Church of Scotland, as it is now Established by Law. (1691)

3               An Enquiry into the New Opinions (Chiefly) Propagated by the Presbyterians of Scotland; Together also with some Animadversions on a Late Book, Entitled, "A Defense of the Vindication of the Kirk:" In a Letter to a Friend at Edinburgh. By A. M., D.D. (1696) (Author: Monro, Alexander, d. 1715? Subject: Rule, Gilbert, 1629?-1701)

4               The Good Old Way Defended, Against the Attempts of A. M., D.D. in his Book, Entitled, "An Enquiry into the New Opinions, (Chiefly) Propagated by the Presbyterians of Scotland:" Wherein the Divine Right of the Government of the Church by Presbyters Acting in Parity, is Asserted; and the pretended Divine Right of the Hierarchy is disproved: the Antiquity of Parity and Novelty of Episcopacy as now Pleaded for, are made Manifest from Scriptural Arguments, and the Testimony of the Ancient Writers of the Christian-Church: and the groundless and unreasonable Confidence of some Prelatic Writers exposed. Also, the Debates about Holy-Days, Schism, the Church-Government used among the First Scots Christians, and what else the Enquirer Charges us with, are clearly Stated, and the Truth in all these Maintained against him. Likewise, some Animadversions on a Book, called the, "The Fundamental Charter of Presbytery;" in so far as it misrepresents the Principles and Way of our First Reformers from Popery: where the Controversy about Superintendants is fully handled: and the Necessity which led our Ancestors into that Course for that Time is Discoursed. By Gilbert Rule, one of the Ministers of the City, and Principal of the College of Edinburgh. (1697)


Reformed Beliefs R

1               The Parousia A Critical Inquiry into the New Testament Doctrine of Our Lord about His Second Coming. (1878)


Rutherford, Samuel (1600-1661)

Reformed Beliefs R

1               A Cry from the Dead, from the Flower of the Church of Scotland, or, An Exhortation at a Communion to a Scot's Congregation in London. By Mr. Samuel Rutherford, from a Manuscript never before Printed. (1765)

2               A Free Disputation Against Pretended Liberty of Conscience, Tending to Resolve Doubts Moved by Mr. John Goodwin, John Baptist, Dr. Jer. Taylor, the Belgic Arminians, Socinians, and Other Authors Contending for Lawless Liberty, or Licentious Toleration of Sects and Heresies. (1649)

3               A Garden of Spices: Extracts from the Religious Letters of Rev. Samuel Rutherford, by Rev. Lewis R. Dunn: With a Historical and Biographical Essay, by Rev. A. C. George, D.D., and an Introduction by Rev. T. L. Cuyler, D.D. (1869)

4               A New Epistle, Being the Wise and Beautiful Council of that Saintly Man, Samuel Rutherford, to All those in Doubt, in Affliction, and in Peril of their Souls. Selected, Edited, and Arranged by G. Hembert Westley. (1913) (Author: Rutherford, Samuel, 1600?-1661; Westley, George Hembert, 1865-1936)

5               A Peaceable and Temperate Plea for Paul's Presbytery in Scotland, or, A Modest and Brotherly Dispute of the Government and Church of Scotland. Wherein, our Discipline is Demonstrated to be the True Apostolic way of Divine Truth, and the Arguments on the contrary are friendly dissolved, the grounds of Separation and the Independency of particular Congregations, in defense of Ecclesiastical Presbyteries, Synods, and Assemblies, are examined and tried. (1642)

6               A Survey of Spiritual Antichrist. Opening the Secrets of Familism and Antinomianism in the Antichristian Doctrine of John Saltmarsh, and Will. Del., the Present Preachers of the Army now in England, and of Robert Town, Tobiah Crisp, H. Denne, Eaton, and Others. In which is Revealed the Rise and Spring of Antinomians, Familists, Libertines, Swenck-feldians, Enthusiasts, Etc. The Mind of Luther a Most Professed Opposer of Antinomianism, is Cleared, and Diverse Considerable Points of the Law and the Gospel, of the Spirit and the Letter, of the Two Covenants, of the Nature of Free Grace, Exercise Under Temptations, Mortification, Justification, and Sanctification, are Discovered; in Two Parts, by Samuel Rutherford Professor of Divinity in the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. (1648)

7               Christ Dying and Drawing Sinners to Himself or A Survey of Our Savior in His Soul Suffering, His Loveliness in His Death, and the Efficacy thereof. In which Some Cases of Soul Trouble in Weak Believers, Grounds of Submission Under the Absence of Christ, with the Flowings and Heightenings of Free Grace, are Opened. Delivered in Sermons on the Evangel According to St. John, Chapter 12:27-33. Where also are Interjected some Necessary Digressions, for the Times, Touching Diverse Errors of Antinomians, and a Short Vindication of the Doctrine of Protestants, from the Arminian Pretended Universality of Christ’s Dying for All, and Every One of Mankind; the Moral and Fained Way of Resistible Conversion of Sinners, and What Faith is Required of All Within the Visible Church, for the Want Whereof, Many are Condemned. (1647)

8               Fourteen Communion Sermons. By the Rev. Samuel Rutherford. With a Preface and Notes by Rev. Andrew A. Bonar, D.D. (1876)

9               Joshua Redivivus: or, Three Hundred and Fifty Two Religious Letters; To which is added a Testimony to the Covenanted Work of Reformation Between 1638 and 1649. By the Late Eminently Pious Mr. Samuel Rutherford, Professor of Divinity at St. Andrews. To which is Prefixed a Life of the Author, Including his Last Words. New Edition. (1818)

10            Letters of Samuel Rutherford: With a Sketch of his Life and Biographical Notices of His Correspondents, by the Rev. Andrew A. Bonar, D.D. (1874) (Bonar, Andrew A. (Andrew Alexander), 1810-1892)

11            Lex, Rex, or, The Law and the Prince; A Dispute for The Just Prerogative of King and People: Containing The Reasons and Causes of the Most Necessary Defensive Wars of the Kingdom of Scotland, and of their Expedition for the Aid and Help of their Dear Brethren of England; in which their Innocence is Asserted, and a Full Answer is Given to a Seditious Pamphlet, Entitled, ‘Sacro-Sancta Regum Majestas’ or ‘The Sacred and Royal Prerogative of Christian Kings’; Under the Name of J. A., but Penned by John Maxwell, the Excommunicate Popish Prelate; With a Scriptural Confutation of the Ruinous Grounds of W. Barclay, H. Grotius, H. Arnisaeus, Ant. De Domi. Popish Bishop of Spalato, and of Other Late Anti-Magistratical Royalists, as the Author of ‘Ossorianum’, Dr. Ferne E. Symmons, The Doctors of Aberdeen, Etc.; in Forty Four Questions. (1843) (Author: Rutherford, Samuel, 1600?-1661; Buchanan, George, 1506-1582. De jure regni apud Scotos Subject: Maxwell, John, 1590?-1647; Divine right of kings)

12            Manna-Crumbs for Hungry Souls. Consisting of Excerpts from the Letters of the Rev. Samuel Rutherford, Gathered by the Rev. W. P. Breed, D.D. (1865)

13            Quaint Sermons of Samuel Rutherford Hitherto Unpublished. With a Preface by the Rev. Andrew            A. Bonar, D.D. (1885)

14            Samuel Rutherford and some of his Correspondents: Lectures Delivered in St. George's Free   Church, Edinburgh: by Alexander Whyte, D.D. (1894) (Author: Whyte, Alexander, 1836-1921)

15            Samuel Rutherford. By the Rev. Andrew Thompson, D.D., F.R.S.E., Edinburgh. (Men Worth Remembering: A Series of Popular Biographies: Volume 11) (1884) (Author: Thomson, Andrew, 1814-1901)

16            The Covenant of Life Opened: or, A Treatise of the Covenant of Grace, Containing something of, I. The Nature of the Covenant of Works. II. The Sovereignty of God. The Extent of the Death of Christ. IV. The Nature and Properties of the Covenant of Grace. V. The Covenant of Suretiship or Redemption between the Lord and the Son Jesus Christ. VI. Infant's Right to Jesus Christ, and the Seal of Baptism. With some Practical Questions and Observations. (1655)

17            The Divine Right of Church-Government and Excommunication: or, A Peaceable Dispute for the               perfection of the Holy Scripture in point of Ceremonies and Church-Government; In which the        removal of the Service-Book is justified. The six books of The. Erastus against Excommunication              are briefly examined with a Vindication of that eminent Divine Theodore Beza against the                 Aspersion of Erastus, The Arguments of Mr. William Prynne, Richard Hooker, Dr. Morton, Dr.                  Jackson, Dr. John Forbes, and the Doctors of Aberdeen; Touching Will-Worship, Ceremonies,                    Imagery, Idolatry, Things Indifferent, an Ambulatory Government; The due and just Power of the                Magistrate in matters of Religion, and The Arguments of Mr. Prynne, in so far as they side with   Erastus, are modestly discussed. To which is added, a brief Tractate if Scandal; with an Answer              to the new Doctrine of the Doctors of Aberdeen, touching Scandal.  (1646)

18            The Due Right of Presbyteries: or, A Peaceable Plea, for the Government of the Church of           Scotland, wherein is examined, I. The way of the Church of Christ in New England, in Brotherly          equality, and Independency, or coordination, without subjection of one Church to another. II.                 Their apology for the said Government, their answers to thirty and two Questions are             considered. III. A Treatise for a Church Government is discussed. IV. The arguments of Mr.                   Robinson in his justification of separation are discovered. V. His Treatise, called, "The Peoples'              Plea for the exercise of prophecy," is tried. VI. Divers late arguments against presbyterial      government, and the power of synods are discussed, the power of the Prince in matters of       Ecclesiastical modesty considered, and divers incident controversies resolved. (1644)

19            The Prison Sayings of Samuel Rutherford, A.D. 1637, with an Introductory Sketch of his Character. (1854)

20            The Trial and Triumph of Faith: or, An Exposition of the History of Christ’s Dispossessing of the Daughter of the Woman of Canaan. Delivered in Sermons; In which are Opened, I. The Victory of Faith; II. The Condition of those that are Tempted; III. The Excellency of Jesus Christ and Free Grace; and, some Special Grounds and Principles of Libertine and Antinomian Errors, discovered. (1645)

21            The Trial and Triumph of Faith: By Samuel Rutherford, Professor of Divinity in the University of St. Andrews. (1845)


Reformed Beliefs R

1               A Call to Prayer. (microfilm) (1836)

2               A Sketch of the Life and Labors of George Whitefield. (1854)

3               Are You Forgiven. A Question for Everybody. (microfilm)(1851)

4               Bible Inspiration: Its Reality and Nature. (1877)

5               Coming Events and Present Duties Sermons on Prophetical Subjects, Arranged by J. C. Ryle.     (1879)

6               Considerations Suggested by Dr. Enoch Mellor's Lecture, In the Music Hall, Leeds, September 23,          1872, on the Rev. J. C. Ryle's Tract, Entitled, "What Good Will it Do?" (1872) (Author: E.S.,             fl.1872 Subject: Mellor, E. (Enoch), 1823-1881; Ryle, J. C. (John Charles), 1816-1900)

7               Expository Thoughts on the Gospels. Volume 1 (1860) (St. Matthew)

8               Expository Thoughts on the Gospels. Volume 2 (1858) (St. Mark)

9               Expository Thoughts on the Gospels. Volume 3 (1858) (St. Luke Part 1)

10            Expository Thoughts on the Gospels. Volume 4 (1859) (St. Luke Part 2)

11            Expository Thoughts on the Gospels. Volume 5 (1879) (St. John Part 1)

12            Expository Thoughts on the Gospels. Volume 6 (1878) (St. John Part 2)

13            Expository Thoughts on the Gospels. Volume 7 (1857) (St. John Part 3)

14            Facts and Men Pages from English Church History, Between 1553 and 1683. With a Preface for                our Time. (1882)

15            Have You the Spirit? A Question for 1854. (1854)

16            Home Truths Miscellaneous Addresses and Tracts. (1859)

17            Hymns for the Church on Earth. Being Three Hundred and Sixty-Six Hymns and Spiritual Songs.                  (For the Most Part of a Modern Date.) Selected and Arranged by the Rev. J. C. Ryle, D.D., Christ          Church, Oxford, Bishop of Liverpool. New Edition. With an Addition of Sixty-Six Hymns, Selected               by an American Editor. (1861)

18            Knots Untied: Being Plain Statements on Disputed Points in Religion. From the Standpoint of an             Evangelical Christian. Tenth Edition. (1885)

19            Light from Old Times; or, Protestant Facts and Men. With an Introduction for our own Days.     (1902)

20            Living or Dead? A Series of Home Truths. (1851)

21            No More Crying. An Address to Children. (1859)

22            Only one Way. A Tract for the Times. Being Thoughts on Acts 4:12. (1851)

23            Perilous Times! Being Thoughts for Today. (1886)

24            Practical Religion. Being Plain Papers on the Daily Duties, Experience, Dangers, and Privileges of Professing Christians. Third Edition. (1883)

25            Principles for Churchmen. A Manual of Positive Statements on Some Subjects of Controversy. With an Explanatory Introduction on the Pressing Dangers which Beset the Church of England. Fourth Edition, Revised. Containing the Bishop's Farewell Letter to the Diocese of Liverpool. (1900)

26            Rich and Poor. A Tract for the Times. Being Thoughts on Luke 16:19-23. (1853)

27            Sermons to Children. (1856)

28            Simplicity in preaching. A few Short Hints on a Great Subject. (1882)

29            Spiritual Songs for a Month. Being Sixty-Two Hymns not to be found in the Hymn-Books most commonly used. Selected by the Rev. J. C. Ryle, B.A., Rector of Helmington, Suffolk. First American from the Sixth English Edition. (1858)

30            Startling Questions. (1853)

31            The Christian Leaders of the Last Century or England a Hundred Years Ago. (1868)

32            The Christian Race and Other Sermons. (1900)

33            "The Thing as it is," Job 26:3: or, "Sound Knowledge." Being Questions and Answers about the Lord's Supper. Second Edition, Revised. (1885)

34            The Two Bears, and Other Sermons for Children. (1869)

35            Thoughts on Immortality. With some remarks on Canon Farrar's "Eternal Hope," and Kindred Subjects. (1883)

36            What Good will it do? A Question about the Disestablishment of the Church of England, Examined and Answered. Third Edition. (1872)

37            What is Your Hope? A Question for 1857. (1857)

38            What Time is it? Being Thoughts on Romans 13:12. (1854)

39            Wheat or Chaff? (1853)

40            Worldly Conformity. What it is not, and what it is. (II Corinthians 6:17) (1878)

41            You Must Pray. (1861)


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Reformed Beliefs D

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Reformed Beliefs F

Reformed Beliefs G

Reformed Beliefs H

Reformed Beliefs I

Reformed Beliefs J

Reformed Beliefs K

Reformed Beliefs L

Reformed Beliefs M

Reformed Beliefs N

Reformed Beliefs O

Reformed Beliefs P

Reformed Beliefs Q

Reformed Beliefs R

Online Christian Library
